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Atlassian University Study Session: Trello Fundamentals Course

Oct 25, 2:00 – 3:00 PM (UTC)

Trello Trailblazers

Join Britt Joiner as she goes through the Trello Fundamental Learning Path in the Atlassian University. Great for newbies to get your head wrapped around Trello, and great for experts too—you'll likely learn something new and you get a cool badge for completion!

147 RSVPs


About this event

Did you know Atlassian University has a Learning Path for Trello?

Whether you're new to Trello or been using it for years, you'll want to go through this course to make sure you understand the core components of Trello and ensure you're using it to its full advantage. Plus—you get a nice shiny badge upon completion!

This path is available to everyone and can be completed any time, but join us for this live learning study session where you can join Britt to go through the course, ask questions, and probably even get some extra bonus tips as you go along 😁


  • Brittany Joiner

    How To Trello

    Trello Architect

Community Leaders

  • Mike Day



  • Brittany Joiner

    How To Trello


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