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Atlassian Developers


2661 members

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Upcoming events

23 ene 2025

ACE virtual event

Advancements in Dev Console | Forge Dev Den

Discover the latest enhancements in the Developer Console for Atlassian Forge applications. Learn how to efficiently manage and optimize your apps with improved logging, metrics, and alerting.

Past events

ACE virtual event

Introduction to Rovo and Building Custom Rovo Agents with Forge

ACE in-person event

Marketplace Partners: Getting started with App Editions

ACE in-person event

Introduction to Forge: Building a Custom Jira Dashboard Gadget

ACE virtual event

Jira Navigation Changes: Product Team Talk Time

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Global sponsors


Group Leaders

Dugald Morrow

Atlassian Developer Experience Team Member Atlassian

Caterina Curti [Atlassian]

Senior Developer Advocate Atlassian

Karen White

Developer Marketing Atlassian

Maggie Norby Adams

Product Marketing Manager, Ecosystem Atlassian

Ian Ragudo

Developer Advocate Atlassian

Melissa Paisley

Developer Advocate Atlassian

Kelsey Van Scoy

Content & Campaign Marketing Manager Atlassian

Helen Rincon

Marketing Manager Atlassian

Anmol Agrawal

Developer Advocate Atlassian

Charissa Ong

Product Marketing

Tim Pettersen

Head of Developer Experience Atlassian

Neil Mansilla

Developer Advocate Atlassian

Ian Buchanan

Developer Partisan Atlassian

Ash Moosa

Community Leader