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Introducing the first ever Atlassian Community Event in Ljubljana.

Jul 27, 2023, 3:30 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Hello Ljubljana! We are excited to introduce the first ever Atlassian Community Event in Ljubljana. If you were waiting for In-Person Atlassian Community Event in your city, your wait is over! We are successfully able to add a brand-new chapter only for Ljubljana, Slovenia. We are going to host the first In-Person Atlassian Community Event in the city of dragons on the 27th of July, 2023.

40 RSVPs

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About this event

Pozdravljeni uporabniki Atlassiana,

z veseljem vam predstavljamo prvi “Atlassian Community Event” v Ljubljani.

Če ste čakali na osebni dogodek skupnosti Atlassian v vašem mestu, je vašega čakanja konec! Uspešno lahko dodamo popolnoma novo poglavje samo za Ljubljano.

27. julija bomo v mestu zmajev gostili prvi Atlassian Community Event v živo.

V veselje nam je organizirati dogodek, ki bo povezal Atlassian skupnost Slovenije ter komaj čakamo, da vas vse spoznamo. Delavnici na dogodku bo sledilo nekoliko zanimivih predstavitev, nakar se bomo lahko družili ob pici in pijači.

Vabljeni vsi!

Skupnosti brez vseh vas ne moremo zgraditi. Zato se veselimo druženja z vami. Zgradimo našo Atlassian skupnost skupaj.

Hello Ljubljana! 

I am super excited and can’t wait to meet you all. We will have a small workshop and a few exciting talks. There will be drinks & pizzas!

You are all invited!

Most importantly, we cannot build a community without you all. Why wait? Let’s build our Atlassian Community together.

Topics we will cover:

- Getting Started with Jira Service Management.

- From Frustration to Satisfaction: Enhancing Jira Screens Efficiency and Usability

- Data Protection in Atlassian Cloud: A CTO's Guide

RSVP Here:

Thursday, July 27th @ 5:30pm - 09:00pm

Conference Hall B23, Tehnološki park 19, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


  • Goran Garevski

    HYCU, Inc.

    CTO / Co-founder

  • Jarek Solecki


    Product Owner / Product Owners Leader



Thursday, July 27, 2023
3:30 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


Getting Started with Jira Service Management
Beers and Pizza
Lightning Talk : From Frustration to Satisfaction: Enhancing Jira Screens Efficiency and Usability
Lightning Talk : Data Protection in Atlassian Cloud: A CTO's Guide

Community Leaders

  • Tash (SM) Tahsin

    Community Leader

  • Eva Gisburne


    Chapter Leader

Global sponsor

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