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Atlassian Team’24 Lj (CLC) : For users, by users. Learn, Network, and Connect

May 28, 2024, 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM (UTC)

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Learn, network, and connect. Explore teamwork innovation at Atlassian Team'24 Ljubljana (CLC) at the Ljubljana Castle on May 28th 2024! Delve into updates from our flagship event, learn global best practices, and connect with local users, Atlassian, and partners.

97 RSVPs

CommunityTeam 24

About this event

Get ready to elevate your tech game to new heights at the Atlassian Team'24 Ljubljana (CLC), where innovation meets collaboration in the breathtaking setting of the Ljubljana Castle! Join us on May 28th for an immersive journey into the forefront of teamwork innovation.

At Atlassian Team'24 Ljubljana (CLC), we're bringing together industry leaders, enthusiasts, and experts to share insights, foster collaboration, and ignite inspiration. Here's what you can expect:

✨ Cutting-Edge Updates: Stay ahead of the curve with the latest developments from our flagship event. Dive deep into groundbreaking updates and trends shaping the tech landscape.

🌍 Global Best Practices: Learn from the best as we uncover global best practices in teamwork innovation. Gain invaluable insights and strategies to drive success in your projects.

🤝 Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded individuals, local users, Atlassian representatives, Atlassian community leaders, Ljubljana chapter members and esteemed partners. Build lasting relationships, exchange ideas, and expand your professional network.

Whether you're a seasoned industry veteran or a passionate newcomer, Atlassian Team'24 Ljubljana (CLC) offers something for everyone. Prepare to be inspired, educated, and empowered to take your projects to the next level.

Mark your calendars and secure your spot at this exclusive event. Together, let's shape the future of tech innovation!

See you at the Ljubljana Castle on May 28th!

RSVP Here :

Topics we will cover:

- Welcome and an introduction to Atlassian Community Ljubljana - Eva Gisburne and Sm “Tash” Tahsin - Community Leaders

- Atlassian Team announcements - Carina Zweygart, Senior Solutions Engineer, Atlassian

Incident management with Opsgenie and Statuspage - Olga Videc, Atlassian Senior Consultant, SMARTIS

- Unleashing your team is a challenge of culture not collaboration.  Denny Burda, Strategic Engagement Manager, Atlassian

- Atlassian AI: Search, Learn and Action Like a ProNikola Stanić, Senior Solutions Engineer and Anton Belousov, Solutions Engineer, Atlassian

- NIS-2 Directive and Your Responsibility in Atlassian Cloud - Bogdan Viher, Global Atlassian Partners, HYCU.

- Super-charging Jira workflows with Forge.  Beata Szturemska, Senior Engineer, Atlassian

What does it actually take to get to the cloud? Learnings from Atlassian Cloud SDA program. Denny Burda, Strategic Engagement Manager, Atlassian

- How Generative AI can be used for ITSM - Tomasz Pośpiech, Senior Product Manager, Deviniti

- AI in Ops/JSM Intelligence -  Frank Lapa, DevOps & Atlassian SME, Co-Founder, CFO & COO, WiQU

Pripravite se, da povzdignete vašo tehnološko znanje in izkušnje na naslednji nivo na Atlassian Team'24 Ljubljana (CLC), kjer se inovacija sreča s sodelovanjem v osupljivem okolju Ljubljanskega gradu! Pridružite se nam 28. maja na dogodku, ki vas bo popeljal v ospredje tehnoloških inovacij in timskega dela.

Atlassian Team'24 Ljubljana (CLC) združuje vodilne v panogi, navdušence in strokovnjake, da bi delili izkušnje, poglobili sodelovanje in vzpodbudili navdih. Kaj lahko pričakujete:

✨ Vrhunske posodobitve: Bodite korak pred ostalimi z novostmi iz našega dogodka. Poglobite se v prelomne posodobitve in trende, ki oblikujejo tehnološko krajino.

🌍 Najboljše prakse na globalnem nivoju: Ob odkrivanju najboljših praks se učite od najboljših in pridobite neprecenljive vpoglede in strategije za uspeh svojih projektov.

🤝 Priložnosti mreženja: Povežite se s podobno mislečimi posamezniki, lokalnimi uporabniki, predstavniki Atlassian, voditelji skupnosti Atlassian, člani ljubljanskega sveta Atlassian in cenjenimi partnerji. Zgradite trajne odnose, izmenjujte ideje in razširite svojo poklicno mrežo.

Ne glede na to, ali ste izkušen veteran v industriji ali strasten novinec, Atlassian Team'24 Ljubljana (CLC) ponuja nekaj za vsakogar. Pripravite se na navdih, izobraževanje, navdih in podporo, da svoje projekte popeljete na višjo raven.

Označite svoje koledarje in si zagotovite svoje mesto na tem ekskluzivnem dogodku. Skupaj oblikujmo prihodnost tehnoloških inovacij!

Se vidimo na Ljubljanskem gradu 28. maja!


  • Olga Videc



  • Tomasz Pośpiech


    Senior Product Manager

  • Bogdan Viher


    Senior Director, Global Atlassian Partners

  • Frank Lapa


    Atlassian & DevOps SME

  • Sm 'Tash' Tahsin

    Atlassian Community Leader, Ljubljana

  • Denny Burda


    Strategic Engagement Manager -

  • Nikola Stanić


    Senior Solutions Engineer

  • Carina Zweygart


    Pre-Sales Solutions Engineer

  • Anton Belousov


    Solutions Engineer

  • Beata Szturemska


    Senior Engineer



Tuesday, May 28, 2024
11:00 AM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


Welcome and an introduction to Atlassian Community Ljubljana. By Eva Gisburne and Sm “Tash” Tahsin
Atlassian Team announcements by Carina Zweygart, Senior Solutions Engineer, Atlassian
Unleashing your team is a challenge of culture not collaboration. By Denny Burda, Strategic Engagement Manager, Atlassian
Coffee Break
Incident management with Opsgenie and Statuspage by Olga Videc, Atlassian Senior Consultant
How Generative AI can be used for ITSM By Tomasz Pośpiech, Senior Product Manager, Deviniti
Super-charging Jira workflows with Forge. By Beata Szturemska, Senior Engineer, Atlassian
NIS-2 Directive and Your Responsibility in Atlassian Cloud By Bogdan Viher, Global Atlassian Partners, HYCU.
AI in Ops/JSM Intelligence. By Frank Lapa, DevOps & Atlassian SME, Co-Founder, CFO & COO, WiQU
Special recognition from Atlassian Community Ljubljana
Meal Break & Cocktails
What does it actually take to get to the cloud? Learnings from Atlassian Cloud SDA program. By Denny Burda, Strategic Engagement Manager, Atlassian
Atlassian AI: Search, Learn and Action Like a Pro. By Nikola Stanić, Senior Solutions Engineer and Anton Belousov, Solutions Engineer, Atlassian
Raffle Draw

Community Leaders

  • Tash (SM) Tahsin

    Community Leader

  • Eva Gisburne


    Chapter Leader

Global sponsor

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