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London Ace presents: End BSM Now! A Master Class in Service Management with JSM

Feb 23, 2023, 5:45 – 9:30 PM (UTC)


Atlassian have launched a call to action - end bad service management (BSM) now! 3 Speakers from across customer, partner and marketplace vendor take us through their vision and execution of service management excellence using Jira Service Management (JSM)

75 RSVPs

CommunityMarketplace Apps
In-person event

About this event

A stones throw from London Bridge Tube Station lies the Devoteam offices - the home of our host and sponsors for the February London ACE: Devoteam UK.

We have a JSM customer, a silver marketplace partner and a gold solution partner lined up to tell you how they elevate service management with Jira Service Management.

As always there will be pizza, drinks, swag and prizes so make sure you come along to London Bridge and join us.


  • Krzysztof Skoropada



  • Kate Pawlak


    Co-founder & Chief Product Officer

  • Sam Murphy

    Calibrate Consulting

  • Dave Meredith


    Senior IT Service Management Consultant



Thursday, February 23, 2023
5:45 PM – 9:30 PM (UTC)


5:45 PM
Drinks and Networking
6:15 PM
Sam Murphy and Dean Egan - Calibrate Consulting - Employee Onboarding with JSM
Do you or your customer have a need for scalable processes? Are you tired of seeing service desk agents doing onerous and repetitive tasks? Are you spending too much time chasing people to complete things and seeing too many mistakes and missed steps in your processes? If so, why not join us on Thursday where we will showcase our approach on how we dealt with these common problems by creating scalable, intuitive, automated processes through Jira Service Management. Utilising a wide range of out-of the-box Jira functionality, as well as integration with other services, we've taken a big step towards process-nirvana, with transparency, integrity and compliance built in. Can't wait to see you there!
7:00 PM
Krzysztof Skoropada and Kate Zofia Pawlak - Appsvio - JSM on steroids: high-velocity ITSM software in action
Join us on the 23rd of February to discover how to create a high-velocity ITSM software with Jira Service Management. Let’s focus on agents’ and customers’ perspectives and unlock the new customer support experience level. We will talk about both sides’ needs and pain points. All with a practical point of view and based on experience and expertise. Learn how to: - assist your support teams with day-to-day activities - expedite the ticketing process and provide customers with more thoughtful and practical service - utilize our methods and suggestions to look after your agents whilst conserving their time.
7:45 PM
8:15 PM
David Meredith - Devoteam - Service projects: Task-sharing made easy
Atlassian offers a number of service-based projects for organizations to deploy to service their users. This session will demonstrate how to configure these projects so they share tasks easily between service projects while also maintaining confidentiality for sensitive projects like HR / Legal.
9:00 PM
Drinks / chat / off to pub

Community Leaders

  • Stuart Capel


    Head of Technical Delivery

  • Jay Ollivierre

    Calibrate Consulting

    Service Desk Manager

  • Arshiya Sultana


    Global Agile Coach

  • Bruce Cullen


    Director of Products

Global sponsor

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