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Unleash Agile & DevOps in Auckland

Jan 25, 2024, 2:00 – 3:30 AM (UTC)


Join fellow Atlassian product users, agile & DevOps practitioners, and super fans for a user-driven Atlassian Community event!

60 RSVPs

Virtual event

About this event

Join our community of innovators to explore today’s agile trends and challenges and how to tackle them with industry best practices, customer stories, and peer-to-peer connections. At this Atlassian Community event, you’ll walk away with actionable insights on how to inspire your teams to build and ship world-class products, together.


  • Neil Mansilla


    Developer Advocate

  • Luiz Petters


    Engineering Manager


  • Tamanna Godara


    Community Manager

  • Mike Clarke





Thursday, January 25, 2024
2:00 AM – 3:30 AM (UTC)


2:00 AM
Introductions & IceBreakers
2:10 AM
Super-charging Agile & DevOps workflows with Forge by Neil Mansilla
Imagine if you could easily expand Jira's workflow capabilities by building your own custom workflow conditions, validators, and post-functions. With Atlassian's Forge platform, you can, and in this session we'll introduce you to the platform and show you how to quickly get started. Forge apps run in the Atlassian Cloud, and the platform is included for users of all editions of our cloud products. Though this presentation will involve a small amount of code, Forge is a “low code” platform accessible to any technical team member who has a passing familiarity with JavaScript, including Jira users, admins, scrum masters, developers, and other technical team members with a passion for Agile or DevOps.
3:00 AM
How Atlassian tracks engineering focus with a simple approach by Luiz Petters
Knowing where your team is investing time & effort is crucial to understanding whether you’re heading toward your goals or not - and this problem becomes bigger as organizations expand. Tracking this without falling into a micromanagement trap can be tricky though. Join the session to find out how engineering teams at Atlassian are overcoming this challenge.
3:30 AM
Wrap Up

Community Leaders

  • Mike Clarke

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Stu Lees

    Atlassian Community Leader

Global sponsor

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