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Next Generation Jira Cloud Project Experience with Atlassian's Josh Frank

Feb 28, 2019, 12:00 – 2:30 AM (UTC)


Atlassian is reimagining Jira Software Cloud with a brand new next-gen project experience. During this AUG presentation, Josh will talk about the product vision and some of the top trends in software development that have shaped the Jira roadmap.

53 RSVPs

In-person event

About this event

Atlassian is reimagining Jira Software Cloud with a brand new next-gen project experience. During this AUG presentation, Josh will talk about the product vision and some of the top trends in software development that have shaped the Jira roadmap. Josh will also showcase the key features from the new Jira Software Cloud experience, including roadmaps right inside the product, brand new boards, an overhauled configuration experience, and more.


  • Josh Frank


    Sr. Product Marketer



Thursday, February 28, 2019
12:00 AM – 2:30 AM (UTC)


12:00 AM
and Networking
Make sure to check-in and grab your swag!
12:30 AM
Introductions and Annoucements
Feedback on your feedback
12:45 AM
Jira Cloud with Josh Frank
Are You Next-Gen Experienced?
1:45 AM
Networking and Wrap-up
Talk to each other, pretend its 1995 and we dont have mobiles!

Community Leaders

  • Larry Brock


    Principle Architect

  • Suze Treacy

    Community Leader

  • Luis Miguel Machado


    Community Leader

  • Jess Moss

    The Home Depot

    Community Leader

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