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AAUF #8 - Atlassian Automotive User Forum

May 24, 2023, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM (UTC)

Automotive Industry User Group

This time, the AAUF#8 focuses on Quality Assurance using Atlassian and the Atlassian Ecosystem

31 RSVPs

CommunityJira SoftwareMarketplace AppsTeam Practices
In-person event

About this event

Hi AAUF Community, after the sad years of AAUF absence due to COVID-19 pandemic we are back in business!

Let's get the quality party started!

Best, Torben & Sebastian & Dan & Michael



Wednesday, May 24, 2023
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM (UTC)


10:00 AM
11:00 AM
AAUF Hosts say 'Hello'
11:15 AM
Lightning Talk & Discussion Round
Topic: "Trends in Software Quality Assurance" Lightning Talk by DEMICON Discussion Round
11:45 AM
Time for networking
12:15 PM
Dare to move to SaaS?
Mercedes-Benz presents how they are currently migrating into the Atlassian Cloud. The implications on the Quality Assurance of Operating in this new mode are shown, as well as the impact on QA activities of the projects within this instance.
12:45 PM
Break & Networking
2:00 PM
Successful agile transformation
DEMICON presents how a System and Method team can contribute to the successful implementation of an agile transformation
2:30 PM
Time for networking
3:00 PM
Testing at scale
Testifi presents: No dancefloor, no dance - what software testing at scale looks like
3:30 PM
Atlassian 360°
What's hot at Atlassian right now?
4:00 PM
Pizza & Beer
Have fun!

Community Leaders

  • Johannes Fürtler

    Kapsch TrafficCom AG

    Automotive Industry User Group Leader

  • Michael Merwald

    Automotive Industry User Group Leader

  • Sebastian Tschörner

    Automotive Industry User Group Leader

Global sponsor

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