Jul 18, 2017, 4:30 – 8:00 PM
The summer edition of our User Group. This time we meet at hub:raum from the Telekom. Winterfeldtstrasse 21, 10781 Berlin. The agenda is again filled with interesting talks about JIRA as CRM, an Update about the open source add-on Marc2C, how to overcoming JIRA limitations and much more. We are looking forward to meet you all again!
93 RSVPs
18:30 Arrival, Networking, Drinks&Snacks
19:00 Welcome, Update about the 5th event
19:10 JIRA als CRM-System inkl. Angebotserstellung und Publikation über Confluence, Wolfgang Tank, catWorkX, Hamburg
19:30 Q&A with Wolfgang
19:35 KISS your documentation with Mark2C - Demo, Grzegorz Kopij, NetworkedAssets, Berlin
19:55 Q&A with Grzegorz
20:00 ---------------short break-------------------
20:10 Overcoming JIRA limitations when implementing SAFe., Tom Kucharski, Softwareplant, Warsaw, Poland
Agile software development methodology, as a set of principles that drive cross-functional teams in a collaborative effort, has been adopted in many organizations. Its popularity is constantly growing (and accelerating) as more and more companies endorse and implement it within their processes. Due to its acclaim, even larger organizations with rigid, tried and tested ways of doing things have turned to Agile. With the size of the company, however, comes the need to scale those principles up and apply them to a higher organizational level. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) does just that. Organizations run into problems, however, when looking for solutions that would facilitate implementing it. Currently within JIRA there are only two tools that can address this - JIRA Portfolio and BigPicture. What we aim at here is to show how SAFe can be implemented with those two tools, show best practices and how to solve obstacles and limitations of JIRA when applying SAFe.
20:30 Q&A with Tom
20:35 Use Case: Wie sich mit JIRA das Asset-Management für die IT-Infrastruktur revolutionieren lässt, Christian Herrmann, demicon, Berlin
20:55 Q&A with Christian
Handle your companie's ERP processes like CRM or HR, or Asset (ITSM), and PPM information in JIRA. We inform about a solution based on native JIRA's features extended by advanced linking and object relations.
21:20 Q&A with Daniel
21:25 Open Space, Drinks & Snacks
22:00 End
* English title means presentation language is English
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
4:30 PM – 8:00 PM UTC