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AUG Berlin-Brandenburg 14. October 2016

Oct 14, 2016, 4:30 – 8:00 PM (UTC)


AUG BB October issue

70 RSVPs

About this event

18:30 Ankunft, Kennenlernen, Drinks&Snacks

19:00 Begrüßung Philipp Wilimzig, ikusei GmbH, AUG Leiter und Gastgeber Schütze Consulting AG


Confluence Conflations — Merging enterprise wiki instances, Ina Heller & Roger Fienhold Sheen, eBay Classifieds Group


As part of the eBay Classifieds Group, began using Confluence in 2009 and other companies within the eBay family began to take notice.

Ina and Roger will take you on the journey from a simple one-company wiki to a multi-company setup that caters to the diverse expectations of a growing number of eBay subsidiaries. Join us to hear how we balance content growth, governance and maintainability with user acceptance.


Q&A with Ina & Roger


Atlassian Summit live stream, Tom Kucharski, SoftwarePlant, Warsaw, Poland - live from San José


The latest news from Atlassian Summit 2016

20:00 short break


Process mining in JIRA, Jörg Godau, Schütze Consulting AG

Die Anwendung von ProcessMining im Bereich der Buisness-Software ist relativ neu, gewinnt jedoch stark an Bedeutung. Mit Hilfe der Auswertung von Logfiles werden Rückschlüsse auf Geschäftsprozesse und deren Effizienz möglich. Die Potentiale für JIRA sollen anhand eines eigens entwickelten PlugIns verdeutlicht werden, welches die Daten von JIRA unter Verwendung der Software myInvenio auswertet. Durchlaufzeiten, Ressourcenbelastungen und Prozessabläufe werden so sichtbar und bieten die Chance zur Optimierung. Zur regelmäßigen Überwachung stehen zudem KPIs und anpassbare Dashboards zur Verfügung.


Q&A with Jörg


Nexus Lifecycle with JIRA Integration, Ilkka Turunen, Sonatype Inc., Fulton


Software development teams and their DevOps practices are consuming BILLIONS of open source and third-party components. The good news: they are accelerating time to market. The bad news: 1 in 17 components they are using include known security, license and architectural defects. Ugh.--

This session shows how you can integrate automatic detection of these vulnerabilities with JIRA to make sure you're staying on top of your vulnerabilities - automatically.

20:55 Q&A with Ilkka

21:00 Lightning talks (learn a lot in just 5 minutes):

Better Meeting Notes Overview in Confluence with Semantics, Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar, espresto AG, Berlin

Abstract: If you want to sort your meeting notes by the date of the meeting and view the participants, semantic technologies make it easily possible.

Atlassian Tools mit Docker, Philipp Göllner, XALT, München

Inhalt: Schnelles Setup, Updates nicht immer selbst testen, Testsysteme für Jedermann und schnelles Desaster Recovery

IN EIGENER SACHE, Philipp Wilimzig, ikusei GmbH, Lo Voelsen, NetworkedAssets GmbH


Open Space, Drinks & Snacks

22:00 End

* English title means presentation language is English



Friday, October 14, 2016
4:30 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)

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  • Hubert Kut

    Atlassian Solution Architect

  • Astrid Sieben

    Sales Manager

  • Kathryn Vargas

    Tempo Software

    Product Manager

  • Frederike Häusel

    Community Leader

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