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So what about GDPR and Atlassian?

Nov 28, 2018, 4:30 – 9:00 PM (UTC)


During our next meeting we want to talk about GDPR and Atlassian, how Atlassian can help with issues under the new framework or if Atlassian has any issues with GDPR compliance. Share your experiences and solutions and hear from our guests from eBay, Communardo und Schütze-Consluting. A big "Thank You!" to Signavio for the room (and beverages).

50 RSVPs

About this event

On the 28th of November we will meeet at Signavio ( to disucss Atlassian and GDPR - the new General Data Protection Regulation which was the biggest reform of data protection law in Europe in the last 20 years and in Germany gave us a completely new version of our Federald Data Protection Law (or BDSG)

This topic has two aspects for Atlassian:

  • Atlassian is part of the solution, helping to indroduce documented processes to help with risk assessment and establishing compliance
  • Atlassian is part of the problem, handling personal data from customers and employees in processes and systems that have grown over years. So how compliant are Atlassian solutions out of the box, how can compliance be achieved?

We want your experiences, opinions and solutions for this.

Hope to see you there.

Thanks to Signavio for the room (and beverages).

Looking forward to see you on November 28th, with interesting talks, ecxcellent food and exciting news for the future of our AUG.

Till then, have a good time and best regards

Joerg Mueller-Kindt


  • Hubert Kut

    Atlassian Solution Architect

  • Jörg (Jack) Godau

    VRR Consulting UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

    Founder and Chief Digital Officer

  • Claudia Lutter


    Bereichsleiterin Atlassian Solutions



Wednesday, November 28, 2018
4:30 PM – 9:00 PM (UTC)


Panel: Atlassian and the GDPR
GDPR and Anonymization
Trust Centers and Pseudonymization
Network and be Merry

Community Leaders

  • Hubert Kut

    Atlassian Solution Architect

  • Astrid Sieben

    Sales Manager

  • Kathryn Vargas

    Tempo Software

    Product Manager

  • Frederike Häusel

    Community Leader

Global sponsor

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