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ABCDE-23: Take-aways from TEAM21 and business processes in service land

May 25, 2021, 6:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)


Now that we have a fanbase (, it's time to host our next event! Be amazed by the great content of our community and the news, tips & tricks Atlasssian shared at TEAM 2021! 20.00 Welcome & intro by the one and only MC 20.15 Sum it up: Team21 by Joachim Bollen 20.35 Acronym soup: BPMN + JSM by Dirk Ronsmans 21.10: Community chatter by everyone still online

28 RSVPs

Data CenterServerTeam Practices
Virtual event

About this event

Now that we have a fanbase (, it's time to host our next event! Be amazed by the great content of our community and the news, tips & tricks Atlasssian shared at TEAM 2021!

20.00 Welcome & intro by your only MC
20.15 Sum it up: Team21 by Joachim Bollen
20.35 Acronym soup: BPMN + JSM by Dirk Ronsmans


  • Joachim Bollen


    Atlassian Hero

  • Dirk Ronsmans


    ITSM Product Specialist



Tuesday, May 25, 2021
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)


6:00 PM
Welcome & intro by your only MC
6:15 PM
Sum it up: Team21
For the second year in a row we were unable to meet the community live in Las Vegas for the most intense Atlassian experience. This year, Atlassian decided early to cancel the plans for an in-person event and invested heavily in making the remote alternative a compelling one. Joachim was the brave soul that set his alarm clock in the middle of the night in order not to miss a single session. Especially for you, dear ACE member, he will share his impressions and the most important tidbits.
6:35 PM
Acronym soup: BPMN + JSM
As we all know, Jira admins are jacks of all trades. In this session, Dirk Ronsmans will share key insights on how to apply the business process modelling notation (BPMN) towards your Jira Service Management instance. The goal? Happy users and getting everyone on the same page. How? Don’t miss this session and find out!
7:10 PM
Community chatter
After the last session, we open up the lines for everyone to have chat, discuss the presentations, general events and have drinks* * drinks are to be provided by yourself

Community Leaders

  • Laurens Coppens


    Community Leader

  • Steven Schouppe

    Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen

    Project Manager

  • Peter Van de Voorde

    Atlas Advantage

    Chief Community Coach

  • Fabrice Huart

    Atlassian Community Leader

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