Mar 23, 2021, 4:15 – 6:00 PM
Bamboo is a continuous integration and deployment tool, that ties automated builds, tests and releases together in a single workflow. Bamboo has been Atlassian’s behind the firewall CI tool for over a decade. We are currently working on its Data Center edition. In this presentation we are going to cover the Early Access Program, first release, and future plans.
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wir laden dich zu unserem nächsten Abend-Event ein. Diesmal geht es um Bamboo, das Atlassian Tool für Continuous Integration und Deployment.
Bamboo is a continuous integration and deployment tool, that ties automated builds, tests and releases together in a single workflow. Bamboo has been Atlassian’s behind the firewall CI tool for over a decade. We are currently working on its Data Center edition. In this presentation we are going to cover the Early Access Program, first release, and future plans.
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Beste Grüße
Andree, Krimo und Maxine
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Tuesday, March 23, 2021
4:15 PM – 6:00 PM UTC
Networking, ggf. Diskussionsrunde |
Andree, Krimo und Maxine |
Vortrag des Abends |
Networking, ggf. Diskussionsrunde |
Ende der Veranstaltung (offenes Ende) |