Jul 19, 2022, 4:00 – 5:30 PM (UTC)
Join us for a lively Leader workshop dedicated to Community Archetypes. The goal of this research was to cover a full range of user types who might visit the Community - including those who might remain lurkers forever. We would also love to get your feedback on your experience with the users you interact with so that we can continue to add detail and nuance to these archetypes.
18 RSVPs
Who makes up the Community? Well, this is the perfect workshop for you. Christine Soules, Lead Product Designer for Community, will present her research findings and then provide ample opportunity to gain hands-on experience through breakout sessions.
The goal of this research was to cover a full range of user types who might visit the Community - including those who might remain lurkers forever. As Leaders who interact with our users every day, we would also love to get your feedback on your experience with the users you interact with so that we can continue to add detail and nuance to these archetypes.
Feel free to review the presentation before the workshop to inspire questions.
Lead Product Designer
Community Manager
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM (UTC)