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Improving quality through test automation

Jan 24, 2020, 12:00 – 3:00 AM (UTC)

Dallas-Fort Worth

Sérgio Freire is the Head of Solution Architecture for Xray, a Test Management app for Jira. He will talk about Software Testing.

21 RSVPs

About this event

Sérgio Freire is the Head of Solution Architecture for Xray, a Test Management app for Jira. He works closely with many different teams worldwide to help them achieve great, high-quality, testable products. He believes that by understanding how organizations work, processes and quality can be improved while development and testing can "merge" and act as a unique team, with a common goal: provide the best product that stakeholders need.

Sérgio Freire's background is in electronics and telecommunications. Throughout the years, he has worked with teams in developing real-time software, web and mobile applications and complex hardware systems. He has worked and interacted with teams in waterfall and agile contexts.


  • Sérgio Freire

    Xpand IT

    Head of Solution Architecture



Friday, January 24, 2020
12:00 AM – 3:00 AM (UTC)


Arrival and grab food

Community Leaders

  • Brian Jones


    Senior Atlassian Architect

  • Michael Wolfe Jr


    Community Leader

  • Larry Brock


    Sr. Technical Architect

  • Sebastien Jacques

    ACE Leader

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