Jun 24, 2021, 2:30 – 3:30 AM
Compared with traditional waterfall process, Agile methodology is born to fit changes: business objective changes, target users changes, legislation changes, etc. Since so many changes take place in a project, there is a need to have a streamlined process that would keep everyone on the same page. Jira Service Management, can definitely help modernize your ITSM process.
Kindly find the registration link for this event: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/6316230601697/WN_BhH5YsRPSROAsIMFZCL65A
Compared with traditional waterfall process, Agile methodology is born to fit changes: business objective changes, target users changes, legislation changes, etc. Since so many changes take place in a project, there is a need to have a streamlined process that would keep everyone on the same page.
Jira Service Management, the next generation of Jira Service Desk, can definitely help modernize your ITSM process. Jira Software, the most adopted tool in agile development team, drives closer collaboration and continuous improvement. Microsoft Teams, the communication platform connects distributed teams with instant conversation to run project faster.
Join this webinar focusing on ITSM and Agile development, know about
• why change management during IT project is crucial
• how to chain your change process with agile development in a more modern and collaborative way
• how easy to stay distributed teams in sync, focus on the task, and get the right owner on the job
Date & Time: Jun 24 10:30 am -11:30 am (Thursday)
Speakers: Jackson Ng, Chief Operation Officer, TechNet
Chris Chan, DevOps Technical Lead, TechNet
10:30 – 10:35 Opening & welcome
10:35 – 11:00 Apply change enablement to Agile execution
11:00 – 11: 20 Live demo: Incorporating change enablement to Agile project
11:20 – 11:30 Q & A
Organizer: TechNet (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Sponsor: Atlassian, Microsoft Teams
Thursday, June 24, 2021
2:30 AM – 3:30 AM UTC
Opening & welcome |
Apply change enablement to Agile execution |
Live demo: Incorporating change enablement to Agile project |
Q&A |