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Atlassian Hyderabad User Group Summit - August 2017

Aug 29, 2017, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM (UTC)


The summit focuses this time on demonstration of setting up & integrating JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, Stash/Fisheye/Github by covering various use cases and on integrating JIRA with any test suite based tool such as Zephyr & its usage

23 RSVPs

About this event

The objective of this event is to cover two hands-on/technical tracks to get familiarize with setup and integration.  The first track is to do live demonstration of setting up, integrating Atlassian product suite such as Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, Stash/Fisheye & corresponding administration topics.

The second track is to do live demonstration of integrating JIRA with any test suite management tools such as Zephyr and its effective usage to manage test management lifecycle better.

The summit also focuses on addressing some of best practices in configuring, administration and effective usage of Atlassian product suite based tools by team of members who are proficient in these aspects.


  • Pankaj Goel

    Appfire Technologies

    Director of Product Engineering


  • Ramakrishna Sharvirala


    Senior Engineer


9:30 AMMembers Registration
9:45 AMSet up and Integration of JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, Stash/Fisheye/Github
10:30 AMBreak - Snacks
10:45 AMIntegration of JIRA with Zephyr
11:30 AMDiscussion on Best Practices

Community Leaders

  • mahboob sharif

    Atlassian Certified Expert

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Srikanth Upputuri


    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Leela VenkataSatish Kolla

    Ivy Comptech

    Atlassian Community Leader

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