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AUG Indy January 2019: Using Portfolio

Jan 31, 2019, 10:30 PM – Feb 1, 2019, 12:30 AM (UTC)


Ruslan Shlain will be the presenter on Jira Portfolio from Herzum Consulting in Chicago.

22 RSVPs

In-person event

About this event

Ruslan Shlain is currently the Director for Atlassian Practices at Herzum North America, Inc. With over a decade of experience in mission-critical applications, Ruslan brings significant experience with managing SDLC for FinTech, national retailers, tech start-ups, as well as a number of other industries. Ruslan has provided consulting for Agile best practices, DevOps implementations, and related tooling and he possesses the diverse technical expertise to assess the needs of users, teams, and enterprises. There is nothing in the Atlassian universe that Ruslan has not tackled. In his spare time, Ruslan is an avid squash player.


  • Ruslan Shlain


    Director, Atlassian Practice



January 31 – February 1, 2019
10:30 PM – 12:30 AM (UTC)


10:30 PM
Sign In, Food & Drinks, Announcements, Intro
11:00 PM
Portfolio with Ruslan Shlain
12:00 AM
Wrap Up, Mingle, Swag

Community Leaders

  • Emily Harshman

    Agility Consulting

    Atlassian User Group Leader

  • Eric Mason

    JD Finish Line

    Atlassian User Group Leader

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