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ACE Kyiv # 5: Best practice Jira Reporting & Community Management in Confluence

Dec 8, 2021, 4:00 – 6:00 PM


Book your evening on the 8th of December! As we have star guests from Atlassian Platinum partners to share best practices and lifehacks! Two speakers from Old Street Solutions (UK) with how to “Collaborate Inside Confluence, and Jira Reporting best practices inside Confluence", and Spectrum Groupe (France) with tips on Community management and Governance within Confluence! Looking forward!

76 RSVPs

ConfluenceJira Software

About this event

Two speakers Jamale Harris (Head of Partnerships at Old Street Solutions, and Morgan Folsom (Product Manager) at Old Street Solutions will be sharing how to “Collaborate Inside Confluence & Communicate Beyond Words, and Jira Reporting best practices inside Confluence.” 


  • Morgan Folsom

    Old Street Solutions

    Product Manager

  • Gabriel Wielkopolski

    Old Street Solutions

    Product Manager

  • Melek Jebnoun

    Spectrum Groupe

    Spectrum Lab Manager


  • Anna Odrinskaya

    Strategy Officer at Alpha Serve

    Atlassian Community Leader



Wednesday, December 8, 2021
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM UTC


4:00 PMIntro & Community News
4:15 PMCommunicating Better inside Jira & Confluence with Reporting
4:30 PMSynchronizing Jira in Planning Boards
4:45 PMCommunity Management and Governance within Confluence
5:00 PMQ & A Section

Community Leader

  • Anna Odrynska

    Tempo Software

    Atlassian Community Leader

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