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Jira and GitHub Automation

Feb 4, 2023, 8:00 – 9:30 AM (UTC)


Jira Software and GitHub Integration, automate your workflows and get real-time status of everything at one place!

56 RSVPs

Jira SoftwareOther dev toolsTeam Practices

About this event

Jira and GitHub

  • By connecting your code in GitHub to your projects in Jira, your developers can focus less on updates and more on building great products. And with source code data flowing through Jira, the broader team can visualize deployment data in one place, extract key insights, and build powerful automations in Jira.

Automatic context in Jira

  • Get updates in Jira on pull requests, deployments, branches, builds, and commits.
  • Easily view and access repositories from the project.
  • Give the whole team visibility into what shipped, along with DevOps performance insights on deployment frequency, cycle time, and more.

Keep developers in GitHub

  • Show relevant Jira information in GitHub issues and pull requests.
  • Use Smart Commits to perform certain tasks within Jira such as transitioning issues, adding comments, and updating time tracking information.

Jira Software + GitHub - GitHub Market Place

GitHub for Jira - Jira Market Place

Commit is Pushed 

  • Move the ticket to in progress, if already not "In progress"

Branch is created on GitHub containing the Jira ticket id i.e. “JIRA-00:”

  • Automatically the ticket moves to in progress on the Jira board, if not in progress already
  • The “start date” field is filled with the current date.

PR (Pull Request) is raised on GitHub, containing the Jira ticket id i.e. “JIRA-00:”.

  • automatically the ticket moves to PR Review on the Jira board
  • Since the team lead is supposed to review the code, it automatically gets assigned to the lead, on the Jira board.

PR (Pull Request) is Merged on GitHub 

  • Ticket is moved to Deployed to Develop, Stage or Master. According to the branch name. 

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  • Ammar Ahmed Butt


    Product Manager

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  • Ammar Ahmed Butt


    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Muhammad Umar Hanif

    Praecipio consulting

    Atlassian Community Leader

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