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TASS Kisii University Career Day by Atlassian Community Events & CCA

Aug 13, 2021, 7:00 – 10:00 AM (UTC)


The vision of the ACE is to be a team-pactful chapter in the region. The mission of the ACE is to bring members together to collaborate to design, develop and implement localized solutions to local problems for positive impact. This is The Actuarial Students Society Kisii University Career Day by Atlassian Meru & Corporate Career Academy

265 RSVPs

CommunityRemote WorkTeam Practices

About this event


This is the first professionals on-campus event for Kisii University courtesy of The Actuarial Students Society (TASS) Kisii University.

The Atlassian Community events has been conceived to promote the use of Atlassian tools and best practises to ensure more effective teamwork and productivity in the workplace


Attendees are required to RSVP to allow the team to plan accordingly. Seats are limited therefore those who have RSVP'd will be considered as the event VIPs.

Only RSVP if you are sure that you will attend the event. The event will be held in-person we look forward to seeing you at the event



Friday, August 13, 2021
7:00 AM – 10:00 AM (UTC)


Arrival, Registrations and Networking
Career Day Event
Networking and Refreshments

Community Leaders

  • Kevin Tuei

    Data Alma

    Atlassian Community Leader - AC Meru

  • Nimrod Nyongesa


    Project manager

Global sponsor

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Corporate Career Academy

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Hackniques Limited

Where Atlassian users meet and share best practices