Apr 25, 2017, 5:30 – 8:30 PM (UTC)
Atelier avancé sur Scriptrunner avec Jamie Echlin (Ordinateur portable requis)/Advanced Workshop on Scriptrunner with Jamie Echlin (Laptop computer required)
25 RSVPs
Tel que présenté lors du dernier rendez-vous de l'AUG, nous avons l'honneur de vous présenter un évènement spécial. Jamie Echlin, Consultant Principal chez Adaptavist, et développeur principal de ScriptRunner, visitera en personne et offrira un workshop sur les fonctionnalités de ScriptRunner for JIRA.
À noter: Ceci est un évènement séparé de l'évènement de l'AUG normal. L'évènement de l'après-midi sera plus approfondi et technique.
L'agenda en anglais ci-dessous en anglais
Bienvenue à tous!
N.B.: L'atelier se déroulera uniquement en anglais. Afin de nous assurer que l'évènement se déroule avec un maximum d'efficacité, Il y aura un maximum de 30 inscriptions, et 2 par compagnie. Si toutes les places sont prises, nous vous invitons à vous inscrire sur la liste d'attente. Merci pour votre compréhension.
As mentioned in our last AUG Meeting, Jamie Echlin, Principal Consultant at Adaptavist, and the main developer of ScriptRunner, will be visiting in person, and will be leading a workshop on the functionalities of ScriptRunner for JIRA.
Please note: This event is separate from the standard AUG meeting. This afternoon meeting will be a more thorough and technical presentation, and for this reason, it is requested that each attendee bring their own laptop, as there will be practical exercises to complete along with the demonstrations. The regular AUG meeting will take place immediately afterwards, at the same location.
2pm - 2:20pm
Intro & ScriptRunner Tips (Harp Athwal)
Save time when creating a project (copy a template project instead)
Restrict field editing to certain users (using Behaviours)
Example of how to change the project UI to include contract hours
Enhancing your Problem and Incident Management process using ScriptRunner
2:20pm - 2:50pm
ScriptRunner's brand new in-line editor (Jamie Echlin)
2:50pm - 3:00pm
Refreshment break
3:00pm - 3:20pm
Business Process Examples using ScriptRunner (Mark McCormack)
Our Holiday Request Process
Leave and Expense Approvals
Automate your On-boarding and Off-boarding processes
3:20pm - 3:50pm
Extending the User Interface for JIRA Service Desk (Jamie Echlin)
How we extended and enhanced JIRA Service Desk for our own support
Deep dive into customising the UI
3:50pm - 4:00pm
Refreshment break
4:00pm - 5pm
Round table - hands on JIRA / ScriptRunner session
Possible areas to cover
How to break JIRA with bad scripts
Finding performance problems in scripts
Also note:This workshop will take place exclusively in English. Please note as well that in order to ensure that the event is as effective as possible, there will be a maximum of 30 total attendees, with 2 per company. If all of the places are taken, please feel free to register for the waitlist.
Staff Engineer & ScriptRunner Creator
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM (UTC)