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Jira Administrators Roundtable

Oct 28, 2021, 9:00 – 11:00 PM (UTC)

New York

Join us for a virtual round-table where you can talk with your peers about experiences/challenges administering Jira and other Atlassian products at your organization. There is no formal presentation. The agenda will be driven by you to share stories, swap ideas and ask questions to your peers on practices and strategy. NOTE: Limited to 20 participants so please RSVP only if you fit the criteria.

27 RSVPs

CommunityJira SoftwareOther dev toolsTeam Practices
Virtual event

About this event

This event is limited to 20 participants in order to keep the session intimate and focused for discussions. Please do not automatically RSVP! Instead, please read the description below carefully and only RSVP if you fit the criteria below and would find the meeting valuable. We will follow up with all those that RSVP and a waitlist will be activated once we reach capacity.

Who should ideally attend and what are the criteria?

  • You play an active role at your organization administering Atlassian products (Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, etc.).
  • You want to share your experiences with and learn from other Atlassian administrators about practices, integrations, strategy and budgeting.
  • You are comfortable attending a session where there is no content; and where you will play your part in driving the content for a productive session.

What to expect?

This will be a virtual round-table where you can talk with your peers about experiences/challenges administering Jira and other Atlassian products at your organization. There will not be any formal speakers or presentations. The agenda will be driven by you to share stories, swap ideas and ask questions to your peers.


NOTE: This session is mainly targeted towards users of Atlassian products as opposed to other roles in the ecosystem (partners/experts, add-on vendors, consultants).


NYC Online Community, Presentation Topics, Questions...

A reminder to join the NYC Online Community Group. Join the community to ask questions, network and share your expertise with fellow ACE members. You can join the group using the link here.

Help us plan our next event - Do you want to suggest a topic for us to focus on? Do you have a presentation proposal? Contact the group leaders with your suggestions.


  • You ?


    Atlassian Admin | Decision Maker



Thursday, October 28, 2021
9:00 PM – 11:00 PM (UTC)


9:00 PM
Virtual Doors Open
9:05 PM
Introductions & Announcements
9:07 PM
Jira Administrators Roundtable
10:30 PM
Wrap up and Closing
10:35 PM

Community Leaders

  • Dileep Bhat

    Atlassian Community Leader - New York City

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Kapil Samadhiya

    GroupM Data & Technology

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Madhusudhan Matrubai


    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Justinian Difo


    IT Manager

Global sponsor

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