May 24, 2017, 10:00 PM – May 25, 2017, 1:30 AM (UTC)
We're at a brand new location in May - Schoology at Penn Station. Just before we leap into the summer sun, we have lined up three great speakers and topics. 1. DevOps & Euro Summit Highlights - Laura Daly, Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian 2. Optimizing JIRA and Confluence - Boris Berenberg, Blended Perspectives 3. StatusPage Overview - Dan Riley, Senior Enterprise Product Advocate, Atlassian
92 RSVPs
We're at a brand new location in May - Schoology, which is literally at Penn Station. Thanks to one of our members, Alberto Silveira, who answered the bell!
PLEASE NOTE: Security at this location is strict and the capacity is not as high as previous locations. Please ensure that you RSVP and that the name you provide matches what is on your ID - otherwise you won't get in. Unfortunately, we don't have control over event location security or capacity. Once capacity is reached, we will start a waitlist but those on the waitlist are not guaranteed entry.
Missed last month's events? No worries - we got you covered. Check out the recording, slides and now pictures on the respective event pages.
Just before we leap into the summer sun, we have lined up three great speakers and topics. As always, outside of these talks, we'll have food, drinks and plenty of networking opportunities; and maybe even a prize or two.
Our DevOps area of focus continues and with a presentation from Laura, Atlassian Marketing Manager. She will speak on utilizing the Atlassian stack and give some insight on how Atlassian teams do DevOps. And, with the recently concluded first ever Atlassian Europe 2017 summit, Laura will recap and present highlights to those of us who couldn't convince our company to sponsor a trip to sunny Barcelona.
Boris, our fellow local AUG member, will speak on how to optimize JIRA and Confluence instances. Boris was formerly part of the Atlassian Support Team and he has a host of valuable tips and tricks to share. If you are a JIRA administrator and wondering what you can do better, this is a must-attend talk!
Dan Riley has been with StatusPage since it was a six-person start-up and is now a Senior Enterprise Product Advocate at Atlassian StatusPage. He'll be doing a talk about StatusPage - the problem it is trying to address, its key features, details about its integrations, best practices - followed by a Q&A. Remember, "Cloud services without status is like cell phones without signal bars".
Atlas Authority
May 24 – 25, 2017
10:00 PM – 1:30 AM (UTC)