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Remote Summit 2020 Recap And More

Apr 30, 2020, 9:00 – 10:15 PM (UTC)

New York

Come join us as the NYC Atlassian Community goes virtual with our first online meetup! Our first talk will be a recap by the NYC ACE Leaders of Atlassian Remote Summit 2020 announcements and breakout sessions. Boris Berenberg, from Atlas Authority, will then present some thoughts and approaches on handling the deluge of notifications from the ever growing suite of Atlassian products.

57 RSVPs

Virtual event

About this event

Come join us as the NYC Atlassian Community goes virtual with our first online meetup! 

Remote Summit 2020 Recap, Dileep Bhat & Kapil Samadhiya, NYC ACE

Too busy and missed Atlassian Remote Summit 2020? The NYC ACE Leaders, Dileep & Kapil, will lead a recap of Atlassian's first remote summit announcements and interesting sessions.

Signal vs. Noise, Boris Berenberg, Atlas Authority

Notifications are great to keep you up-to-date and ensure you don't miss important events or incidents. That is, until they become a deluge! Boris from Atlas Authority will talk about the various types of notifications that Jira and Confluence users receive, and what can be done to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of these notifications.

Don't forget, it's a virtual event so it's BYOB! But, don't worry - though we may not be serving food & drinks, we will still have a prize or two!

Help us plan our next event

  • Do you want to suggest a topic for us to focus on?
  • Do you have a presentation proposal?

Contact the group leaders with your suggestions.


  • Dileep Bhat

    Atlassian Community Leader

    Enterprise Product Manager

  • Kapil Samadhiya


    Director of Technology

  • Boris Berenberg

    Atlas Authority

    Founder and Principal Consultant



Thursday, April 30, 2020
9:00 PM – 10:15 PM (UTC)


9:00 PM
Virtual Doors Open
9:05 PM
Introductions & Announcements
9:07 PM
Remote Summit 2020 Recap, Dileep Bhat & Kapil Samadhiya
9:30 PM
Signal vs. Noise, Boris Berenberg
9:55 PM
Q & A Session
10:15 PM
Virtual Doors Close

Community Leaders

  • Dileep Bhat

    Atlassian Community Leader - New York City

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Kapil Samadhiya

    GroupM Data & Technology

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Madhusudhan Matrubai


    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Justinian Difo


    IT Manager

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