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Summer "Tuning" in Jira and DevSecOps

Jul 22, 2021, 9:00 – 11:00 PM (UTC)

New York

Summer is here and what better time to tune your Jira & Confluence instances and DevSecOps pipelines. Join us as David Eads, Atlassian, presents how to clean and tune your Jira and Confluence instances and Himanshu Chhetri, Addteq, discusses how to implement DevSecOps within your software organization's delivery pipeline.

40 RSVPs

Jira SoftwareOther dev toolsServerTeam Practices
Virtual event

About this event

Implementing DevSecOps within the Atlassian Ecosystem - Himanshu Chhetri, Addteq

Poor software development security hygiene can lead to security and data breaches within your applications. Himanshu, Enterprise Architect, will demonstrate how DevSecOps can inject security into your organization's software delivery process. He will provide strategies for automating application security scans as part of the CI/CD pipeline and JIRA integrations for tracking actionable findings.

Jira and Confluence Cleaning and Tuning - Daniel Eads, Atlassian

With our primary focus on creating/resolving Jira issues and building expansive knowledge bases in Confluence, we sometimes push the maintenance of our Atlassian environments to the side.  Overtime, these once fast-running and efficient platforms, start to get a bit sluggish and workflows/processes become confusing. Daniel, Atlassian, Community Support Engineer, will present how to clean, tune, and keep your Jira and Confluence instances running in top shape - whether it's cloud or server.

NYC Online Community, Presentation Topics, Questions...

A reminder to join the NYC Online Community Group. Join the community to ask questions, network and share your expertise with fellow ACE members. You can join the group using the link here.

Help us plan our next event - Do you want to suggest a topic for us to focus on? Do you have a presentation proposal? Contact the group leaders with your suggestions.


  • Daniel Eads


    Community Support Engineer

  • Himanshu Chhetri


    Enterprise Architect



Thursday, July 22, 2021
9:00 PM – 11:00 PM (UTC)


9:00 PM
Virtual Doors Open
9:05 PM
Introductions & Announcements
9:10 PM
Implementing DevSecOps within the Atlassian Ecosystem - Himanshu Chhetri, Addteq
9:45 PM
Jira and Confluence Cleaning and Tuning - Daniel Eads, Atlassian
10:20 PM
Raffle & Prizes
11:00 PM
Virtual Doors Close

Community Leaders

  • Dileep Bhat

    Atlassian Community Leader - New York City

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Kapil Samadhiya

    GroupM Data & Technology

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Madhusudhan Matrubai


    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Justinian Difo


    IT Manager

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