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Context is everything: How teams can collaborate better by improving visibility

Feb 28, 2024, 12:30 – 3:30 AM (UTC)


In this session, you’ll hear about GitKraken’s journey to bridge the divide between teams and systems to keep devs (and development stakeholders) happy.

25 RSVPs

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About this event

Project plans and progress tracking live in tools like Jira - but that’s not where developers work. This creates knowledge gaps, unnecessary meetings and ‘what’s the status of ticket A?’ conversations, and strains the relationship between planners and devs.

Many organizations attempt to solve this by exposing development activity within their planning tools. But that only begins to scratch the surface.

In this session, you’ll hear about GitKraken’s journey to bridge the divide between teams and systems to keep devs (and development stakeholders) happy. Topics will include:

Reducing developer interruption (keeping them in flow state)

Improving visibility into dev activity to plan more effectively

Running more efficient standups

Uncovering valuable insights from retrospectives

Planning for the unknown and adapting to deliver on time


  • Adam Wride


    Chief Product Officer

  • John Nelson


    Product Manager



Wednesday, February 28, 2024
12:30 AM – 3:30 AM (UTC)


Main Presentation

Community Leaders

  • Derrick Taylor David

    Atlassian Community Event Leader - Phoenix, Arizona

    Atlassian User Group Leader

  • Alex Johnson


    Senior Software Development Engineer

  • Josh Costella


    Chief Operating Officer at XALT

  • Rodney West

    Isos Technology

    Technical Practice Owner for Service Management

  • Summer Hogan

Global sponsor

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