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RTP Virtual ACE - Jira Align, Is it for me and my team?

May 28, 2020, 10:00 – 11:30 PM (UTC)

Research Triangle Park

My organization is considering JIRA Align. Why would they do that, what is the benefit in an Agile world and what's in it for me? This session brings out some of the critical factors and benefits of JIRA Align on an organization.

16 RSVPs

About this event

Jira Align has been a part of the Atlassian product portfolio since the acquisition of AgileCraft about a year ago. Since that time Atlassian has been working to integrate and promote the product for companies wanting to more closely align their teams execution to the business strategy.

Join us on Thursday May 28th for our first RTP Virtual ACE (Atlassian Community Event) where Robby Benedyk will present how his team is leveraging Jira Align. This virtual ACE will provide you the freedom to join in the comfort of your home or workplace without having to worry about traffic. :-) We will have a video conference with screen sharing to ensure everyone can stay connected and learn something new.

During this session Robby will present a demonstration of Jira Align so you can follow along and ask questions. If you use Jira Align we would love to hear from you and your experiences as well! Please share this with all of your colleagues and friends as we want to continue to foster an engaged RTP community interested in learning more about Atlassian and Atlassian Partner products as well as a forum for networking and staying connected.


  • Robby Benedyk

    Eliassen Group

    Agile Software Development Consultant


  • Jack Brickey

    VP Engineering & IT



Thursday, May 28, 2020
10:00 PM – 11:30 PM (UTC)


10:00 PMSettle into the virtual world
10:10 PMJira Align Presentation
10:50 PMFuture ACEs

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