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We LOVE Atlassian. AUG Rotterdam's inaugural AUG Event!

Feb 12, 2019, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)


AUG Rotterdam is going to celebrate Valentine's Day in emphatic fashion.... with it's first ever AUG Event! This highly social and interactive first ever AUG event in the 'heart' of the city will be about what you LOVE (and sometimes hate) about Atlassian!

18 RSVPs

About this event

Taking place two days prior to Valentine's Day, for this inaugural event of AUG Rotterdam we want to hear from YOU about the hot topics you want to talk about during 2019... primarily focusing on what you LOVE about Atlassian but also noting what areas of Atlassian require attention and group discussion. 

The AUG ROT Leaders have some awesome ideas for this year's events and one of them is to make it all about - you guessed it - you, the USERS!

Maybe you are stuck when using JIRA, or you have some cool ideas for bitbucket? Maybe you don't get enough updates from Atlassian? Perhaps you want to help others with their challenges? Whatever your reasoning for joining our AUG events in 2019 we want to hear them!

Based on a Lean Coffee format, together the AUG will discuss and decide upon the most interesting topics as well as suggest some favourite formats for events (formal settings, in a pub, etc.) and together build the foundation stone of the 2019 AUG ROT Events.

All ideas are welcome - the more the MERRIER!

*NB: The number of Lean Coffee rounds are dependent on event participants and therefore the agenda may change.



Tuesday, February 12, 2019
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


5:00 PMSocializing & Networking
5:45 PMWelcome!
6:00 PMLean Coffee - Round 1
6:30 PMLean Coffee - Round 2
7:00 PMReflection
7:30 PMMore Borrel time

Community Leaders

  • Fun Man Andy

    Atlassian Community

    ACE Leader

  • Laura Holton

    Atlassian Community Rotterdam | Adaptavist

    ACE Leader | Marketing Whiz

  • Steve Rhodes

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Carl Hendrix

    Community Leader

Global sponsor

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