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San Diego Atlassian User Group Meeting

Nov 16, 2018, 1:30 – 5:00 AM (UTC)

San Diego

Please join us at SmartDraw on Thursday, November 15th at the next San Diego Atlassian User Group where Jama Software will be presenting "3 Steps to a Consistent Product Process (Despite Increasing Complexity)" and Chirs Ranglas from UC San Diego will be talking about their recent success with Jira and Confluence Automation using AI and RPA.

49 RSVPs

About this event

Please join us on Thursday, November 15th at the next San Diego Atlassian User Group where Jama Software will be presenting "3 Steps to a Consistent Product Process (Despite Increasing Complexity)" and Chirs Ranglas from UC San Diego will be talking about their recent success with Jira and Conlfuence Automation using AI and RPA.

Food & Drink to be provided.

Presentation Details:

3 Steps to a Consistent Product Process (Despite Increasing Complexity)

Many development and delivery teams still struggle with building a consistent product development process despite plenty of data being available to alleviate this pain. Based on experience from over 600 companies building the most complex mission-critical products imaginable -- rockets to robots to replacement hearts -- we'll examine whether this is getting easier or harder in the face of increasing complexity and the demands to speed up innovation. You'll come away with fresh thoughts on how to take action today and areas to optimize for the future.

Jira/Confluence Automation using AI and RPA at UCSD

UC San Diego IT PPMO struggled to keep up with demand for new JIRA projects and Confluence spaces. Result was frustrated teams and Cloud instances popping up around campus. See how we are trying to use AI and Robots to scale and meet demand.

UC San Diego and IBM have teamed up to see how using Smart Chat technology and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can make the experience of requesting new Jira Project and Confluence Spaces go from "Why is it taking so long to get my stuff created" to "Are you serious, that is wicked cool, how did you do that?" 


  • Dave Shanley

    Jama Software

    VP Analytics

  • Chris Ranglas


    Project Manager



Friday, November 16, 2018
1:30 AM – 5:00 AM (UTC)


1:30 AMWelcome & Introductions
2:00 AM3 Steps to a Consistent Product Process (Despite Increasing Complexity)
2:45 AMJira/Confluence Automation using AI and RPA at UCSD
3:30 AMAdditional Networking

Community Leader

  • Mark Livingstone


    Community Leader

Global sponsor

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Jama Software

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