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Platform Engineering - San Francisco Meetup

Nov 30, 2023, 1:30 – 4:00 AM

San Francisco Bay Area

Do you provide products, tools, or services that software teams use to ship software in your company? Are you focused on creating a great developer experience? This event is for you! Join us in the Atlassian San Francisco office to hear from amazing speaker, and network with fellow platformers over some food and drinks!

61 RSVPs

BitbucketCompassJira SoftwareOther dev tools

About this event

Do you provide products, tools, or services that software teams use to ship software in your company?

Are you focused on creating a great developer experience?

This event is for you!

Join us in the Atlassian San Francisco office to hear from amazing speaker, and network with fellow platformers over some food and drinks!

Space is limited - register today!


  • Andrew Boyagi


    Head of DevOps Evangelism


  • Vish Reddy



Thursday, November 30, 2023
1:30 AM – 4:00 AM UTC


Registration & Event start w/ networking and drinks
Platform Engineering Discussion
Gather for Group Picture
Food, drinks, and networking
Wrap up

Community Leaders

  • Vish Reddy

    ACE Leader

  • Nirmani Kalakheti

    Community Leader

  • Matt Doar

    Community Leader

Contact host

Please include the name of the event in your message to the Host. Thank you!

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