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Atlassian Summit and Atlas Camp 2018 Wrap Up

Sep 20, 2018, 3:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)


It was really an epic week of training, inspiring keynotes, breakout sessions, and few awesome parties. Let's sum it all up from the AUG members that had the opportunity to attend. We'll have some pizza in between!!!

27 RSVPs

In-person event

About this event

It was really an epic week of training, inspiring keynotes, breakout sessions, and few awesome parties.

Summit is the event where Atlassian showcases the current suite of tools, and announces what the future holds for the software in the coming year.

Atlas Camp is the largest gathering of Atlassian app developers.

Let's sum it all up from the AUG members that had the opportunity to attend.

We'll have some pizza in between!!! 


  • Teodora Vasileva

    Community Leader

  • Boriana Todorova

    Altassian Community Leader

  • Georgi Gachev

    Nemetschek Bulgaria

    Team Lead


  • Boriana Todorova

    Altassian Community Leader



Thursday, September 20, 2018
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)


3:00 PM
Register and have a beer
There are nice gifts for you at the registration!
3:30 PM
Summit stories!
Summit is the event where Atlassian showcases the current suite of tools, and announces what the future holds for the software in the coming year. Atlas Camp is the largest gathering of Atlassian app developers. Let's sum it all up from the AUG members that had the opportunity to attend.

Community Leaders

  • Velizar Borisov


    Atlassian Administrator

  • Boriana Todorova


    QA Team Lead

Global sponsor

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