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Christmas in-person event, starring Viktoriya Borisova

Dec 20, 2022, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)


We're glad to welcome you at last in-person event for year 2022! For starter, we'll have our annual wrap-up of all the events we got through the year. And, as Christmas is the most magical time of the year, we would like to meet you with one of the Bulgarian miracles in Atlassian - Viktoriya Borisova. *Disclaimer* The event will be held mostly in Bulgarian! *Venue* Sofia - SoHo Coworking

28 RSVPs


About this event

Здравейте! Това събитие ще е изцяло на български. За повече информация на английски вижте в края на текста.

Радваме се да ви приветстваме на нашето последно събитие за тази година!

Ще направим кратко обобщение на това какво постигнахме през годината в общността.

Също така сме подготвили и един Коледен подарък - при нас ще изгрее гост-звездата Виктория Борисова - една от малкото българки в Atlassian.

Виктория е в Атласиан само от няколко месеца и позицията ѝ е Community Operations Coordinator.


Description in English


We're glad to welcome you at last in-person event for year 2022!

For starter, we'll have our annual wrap-up of all the events we got through the year.

And, as Christmas is the most magical time of the year, we would like to meet you with one of the Bulgarian miracles in Atlassian - Viktoriya Borisova. 

Viktoriya is at Atlassian just from couple of months and her position is Community Operations Coordinator.


The event will be mostly in Bulgarian!


  • Velizar Borisov

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Viktoriya Borisova


    Community Operations Coordinator


  • Velizar Borisov

    Atlassian Community Leader

  • Boriana Todorova

    Altassian Community Leader



Tuesday, December 20, 2022
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


4:00 PMMeet and greet
4:15 PMAnnual wrap-up
4:30 PMMeet Viktoriya

Community Leaders

  • Velizar Borisov


    Atlassian Administrator

  • Boriana Todorova


    QA Team Lead

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