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Collaborative issue estimation with Scrumpy Poker

Jun 26, 2019, 3:30 – 6:00 PM (UTC)


A presentation and live interactive demonstration how the Scrumpy Poker Jira add-on helps with maintaining stable velocity growth for Scrum teams and predictability for Kanban boards by leveraging the team's knowledge and collaboration effort to conclude the best guess estimation measured in story points or time.

32 RSVPs

In-person event

About this event

A presentation and live interactive demonstration how the Scrumpy Poker Jira add-on helps with maintaining stable velocity growth for Scrum teams and predictability for Kanban boards by leveraging the team's knowledge and collaboration effort to conclude the best guess estimation measured in story points or time.

Scrumpy Poker is trusted by hundreds of global companies using it on a daily basis for planning/refinement sessions for both in-house and distributed teams as a tool that makes refinements pleasant and productive.

Join us on the Beer & Pizza party and let's make refinements great again!


  • Kalin Nakov

    Creator of Scrumpy Poker

  • Thea Nakova

    Hardworking QA of Scrumpy Poker


  • Boriana Todorova

    Altassian Community Leader



Wednesday, June 26, 2019
3:30 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC)


3:30 PM
Beer and Pizza
4:00 PM
Presentation and live demonstration
Scrumpy Planning Poker for JIRA
4:45 PM

Community Leaders

  • Velizar Borisov


    Atlassian Administrator

  • Boriana Todorova


    QA Team Lead

Global sponsor

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