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Event#13 |Yoga and Mudras for inner self and peace

Jun 20, 2021, 3:30 – 4:30 AM (UTC)


Prerequisites: 1. It is preferable to have bath before practicing Pranayama. However, it is not mandatory. 2. Wear fresh and loose clothing. 3. Select a well-Ventilated place. Practice on a yoga mat or bed sheet. 4. 1 small glass of water need to drink before sitting to Pranayama 5. Trim your nails for Hand Mudra Therapy practice 6. Finally, be active and learn the techniques of living life

10 RSVPs

About this event


1. Pranayamam: 

  • Sukhasana and Pranayama Mudra Practice

2. Breathing:

  • Chendra Anuloma Viloma 
  • Surya Anuloma Viloma

3. Nadi Suddhi Pranayamam

B. Mudra practice: Mudras are systematic hand gestures. Literally, mudra in Sanskrit means a posture/seal.
  • Pranayama Mudra
  • Gyna Mudra: For stresses, strains, indecisiveness, excessive anger, insomnia
  • Vayu Mudra: Mudra for Balancing Vata Dosha


  • Anand babu

    Yoga instructor


  • Subramanyam Gunda

    Author, Trainer, Atlassian Community leader

Community Leader

  • Subramanyam Gunda

    Agile Arcana Academy

    Atlassian Community Leader & Author

Global sponsor

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