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Event#18 | Enhanced Slack and Microsoft Teams Apps for Confluence!

Aug 17, 2021, 6:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)


Join us August 17 for an inside look at how Atlassian and Microsoft are reimagining collaboration for hybrid work to bring you a seamless collaboration experience across tools. Hear about experiments, learnings, and technology that each are using to empower their teams – including a demo of the new Confluence Cloud for Microsoft Teams app


Jira SoftwareMarketplace AppsOther dev tools

About this event

Create Confluence pages inside Microsoft Teams

The Microsoft Teams for Confluence Cloud app lets conversation flow in Teams while leveraging the collaborative editor and flexible organization of Confluence. Install the app to capture rich meeting notes in the Teams meeting window, automatically format and share notes pages, & search Confluence right from the Teams chat. See how you can unlock a more open, cohesive flow of information within your team.

Curious to learn more about Microsoft and Atlassian have leveraged integrations like this to embrace the new era of hybrid work?


  • Dominic Price


    Work Futurist


  • Dominic Price


    Work Futurist

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    Author, Trainer, Atlassian Community leader

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  • Subramanyam Gunda

    Agile Arcana Academy

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