Oct 26, 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Old Street Solutions: Becky Swartz and Adaptavist: Phill Fox will present an overview that allows you to better understand the functionalities of JQL queries in reporting best practices.
37 RSVPs
We invite you to our next virtual event.
Come to Join Becky Swartz and Phill Fox on a voyage of discovery through some of the recently released functionality of ScriptRunner for Jira and learn about the lesser-known features and functionality. Discover the delights of code editors' enhanced JQL, API calls, and more.
We will also dive into extended JQL and the queries that can be filtered and pulled in by function or tasks associated with any query. Custom Charts can help easily view the performances of those tickets. Showcasing the challenges of using JQL over the Cloud and how to make it easier to use.
Let's overcome challenges on October 26, 2022.
Please feel free to come with any questions.
Leader Warsaw ACE / Jira Administrator
mBank / 7n
Atlassian Solution Architect / Leader Warsaw Atlassian Community Events
Old Street Solutions