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Ready for Christmas

Nov 7, 2022, 3:45 – 5:30 PM (UTC)

Alicante Trello Events

Here we go again this year with our event Ready for Christmas? Only a few weeks left and we have to start preparing everything. Let's see how to organize everything in time with Trello, and leave with a Christmas menu ready! 🎇🎇

16 RSVPs

About this event

Here we go again this year with our event Ready for Christmas? There are only a few weeks left and we have to start preparing everything.

Let's see how to organise everything in time with Trello, and leave with the Christmas menu ready! 🎇🎇

Ready for Christmas? There are only a few weeks left and we need to start preparing everything.

We are going to see a use of Trello beyond the professional, applied to the organisation of personal issues.

Cards to send, Christmas and New Year menus, thinking about gifts, invitations for Christmas meals? Does it stress you out? Not if you have the help of Trello and CRMBle.

Let's see how to organise everything in time with Trello, and leave with the Christmas menu ready! 🎇🎇

If it's prepared among family or friends it's much better :-)

The objective is to learn how to use Trello effectively in a family and fun scenario, and to learn how this structure can be extrapolated to work teams.


  • Alicia Filiu

    Organizate Conmigo

    Trello Leader en Alicante

  • Antonio Panea Pastor





Monday, November 7, 2022
3:45 PM – 5:30 PM (UTC)


3:45 PMWelcome
4:00 PMStart!
4:30 PMCrmbl invitated
5:30 PMPhotos, food and drink!

Community Leader

  • Alicia Filíu Birlanga


    Atlassian Community Leader

Global sponsor

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