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677 members

Atlassian Community Events are free, user-led meetups happening in cities all over the world. Meet other Atlassian enthusiasts!

Past events

ACE in-person event

ACE Mumbai: Unlocking the Power of Atlassian - From Teams 24 Las Vegas to Barcelona

ACE virtual event

Jira End to End Plan

ACE virtual event

The Next KPIs: How to implement OKRs in Jira

ACE virtual event

CyberRisks in DevOps- real-life stories and top practices to stay ahead of hackers and insiders

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Global sponsors

Local Sponsors


Group Leaders

Sarika Dalal

Atlassian Community Leader Trundl

Aradhana Gupta

Atlassian Community Leader Amrut Software Pvt.Ltd

Deepak Rai

Atlassian Community Leader

Contact the group