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Asia Pacific



68 members

Atlassian Community Events are free, user-led meetups happening in cities all over the world. Join us to meet other Atlassian enthusiasts!

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3 ago 2024

ACE virtual event

Atlassian Guard能否為你的 Cloud 增加一道新防線?

你知道Atlassian Guard嗎? 是否發現 Atlassian Access 不見了,有沒有見過短暫閃現的 Beacon? 1.Atlassian上的資安需求有哪些? 2.企業級安全+身份認證+安全事件+威脅偵測 3.未完全發布的ATLASSIAN Guard資料一起看,價格與雲端限定 4.從Access到Beacon,再到 Guard,Will老師的使用經驗與解密 5.從自己的從業經驗出發,分享對資安市場、雇主需求的解讀

Past events

ACE virtual event


Hybrid event

🚀 锵锵三人行 - 敏捷管理直播大揭秘:周博士帶你深入產品成功之道 📈

ACE virtual event

Tempo 工時管理全家桶,提高效率、降低成本,老闆買單的利器!

ACE virtual event

Atlassian Community - 用 Jira 打造個人目標

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Group Leaders

wenmin hsiao

Atlassian Community Leader

Yang Ping-jen

Atlassian Community Leader Eureka Media Marketing Ltd.,

Sophy Yeh

Atlassian Community Leader

Kylie An

PM Anyang

TC Wang

Atlassian Community Leader

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