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Tule liitu meie esimese Eesti ametliku Atlassiani Tallinna regiooni kogukonnaga, et saada osa üritustest! Üritusi korraldame nii virtuaalselt kui ka füüsiliselt, mistõttu ootame liituma kõiki eestlasi olenemata asukohast. 

Et saada alati toimuvatest üritustest teada, liitu selle kogukonnaga, leia siit lehelt "Sign up for this community's updates." ja kliki "Join us". 

Upcoming events

16 may 2024

ACE in-person event

SAVE THE DATE: May 16th - Team '24 @ Tallinn

Team '24 is about teamwork innovation—advancing the way people work together with deep human insight and breakthrough technology. Join the Tallinn ACE chapter as we highlight exciting updates from the annual flagship event and learn real-world best practices powering up teams across the world.

Past events

Hybrid event

Projektide juhtimine ja strateegiliste eesmärkide haldamine Atlassiani toodetega

ACE in-person event

Varade süsiniku jalajälje mõõtmine ja varahaldus

ACE virtual event

Introduction to Assets in Jira Service Management

ACE virtual event

Atlas: Connect the Dots across Teams, Work, and Goals in your Organization

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Global sponsors


Group Leaders

Kerli Loopman

Project Manager
Estonian Business and Innovation Agency

Elis Augasmägi

Chapter Leader

Contact the group