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Workshop: Data residency for Marketplace Partners (EMEA/APAC)

Sep 19, 2023, 7:30 – 8:30 AM (UTC)

Atlassian Developers

Have you ever wondered what exactly we mean when we say "data residency"? Want to know why customers think it's important, or how it might benefit your cloud app business? Join this session to hear from members of the Atlassian team on these topics.

74 RSVPs

Marketplace Apps

About this event

Data residency has been a hot topic these past few months as we've released a new customer UI for app data residency in beta and enabled realm migration for Connect apps. We've also added Forge data residency to the Atlassian public roadmap, and are working hard to bring data residency to partners with apps that store data exclusively in Forge. 

But what exactly do we mean when we say data residency? Why do customers think it's important, and when should partners consider offering data residency for a cloud app? Join this session to hear from members of the Atlassian team on these topics. 

Before joining this session, we recommend Marketplace Partners with Connect apps review the Connect data residency product team talk time recap, and all partners check out the "Grow Customer Trust" page in the Partner Portal (both resources are available only to Atlassian Marketplace Partners with at least one Paid via Atlassian app). 

This session will be held twice - for an EMEA/AMER-friendly time zone, register here

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