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Amsterdam Atlassian User Group 28 September

Sep 28, 2017, 4:00 – 7:30 PM (UTC)


Next Atlassian user group date. A new date for the Amsterdam Atlassian User Group session @ UTZ office (De Ruyterkade 6) in Amsterdam kicks off on 28th of September at 6pm, and you're invited to take part in the event. We will have a talk from Atlassian regarding summit updates and their new Design. Viktor will tell you his journey for writing an plugin. Best thing: Free pizza's beers.

33 RSVPs

About this event

It is time again for a new Atlassian User Group event @ UTZ office near Amsterdam Central station.

Amsterdam User Group @ UTZ Office kicks off on September 28th at 6pm, and you're invited to take part in the event. De Ruyterkade 6 in Amsterdam is our meeting spot to get knowledge of the latest Atlassian news and Networking event.

We will have customer stories as well as partners available to answer and discuss topics.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • Atlassian Product Advocate, Rati: 
    • Atlassian Summit Updates (new stuff you might have missed)
  • Atlassian Product Advocate, Hermance N'DOUNGA: 
    • ADG3 roll out in Confluence (Atlassian new design for Confluence)
  • JV-ration, Viktor Sadovnikov: 
    • Journey of creating an Atlassian plug-in

Detailed description of Viktor talk:

Before writing an add-on for BitBucket Viktor had no preliminary knowledge about Atlassian SDK and plugins development framework. Therefore getting this plugin working took quite some studying of documentation, reaching out for help and still it was mainly a trial-and-error process. In this presentation Viktor will summarize the lessons of a few weeks, so you’ll be in a better position deciding to write your own plugin or to get it from Atlassian Marketplace.

There will be Atlassian as well as parners available to answer you Atlassian related questions.

It will also a great oppurtinity to exchange information with other Atlassian users and share your knowledge and/or problems.

Please RSVP as places are limited and we also have an idea how much food we need :-).

The event will be hosted at: De Ruyterkade 6, Amsterdam (This is next to Amsterdam Central Station)

Parking will be available next to Kamer van Koophandel

We will have beer and pizza, bring a guest. 


  • Viktor Sadovnikov


  • Hermance N'DOUNGA


    Associate Product Advocate


  • Ronald van Marissing

    Rainforest Alliance

    Project Manager



Thursday, September 28, 2017
4:00 PM – 7:30 PM (UTC)


4:00 PMRegistration and drinks
4:30 PMAtlassian Summit Updates
5:00 PMbreak
5:30 PMJourney of creating an Atlassian plug-in
6:30 PMADG3 roll out in Confluence (Atlassian new design for Confluence)
7:00 PMEnd of the

Community Leaders

  • Tzoe Keat Chiam


    Atlassian Consultant & LEGO Facilitator

  • Rik de Valk

    Valk Technology Consultancy

    Product Owner Atlassian

  • Danny Philips



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