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Amsterdam User Group meeting 12 April

Apr 12, 2018, 4:00 – 7:00 PM


You have waited long enough, but here we are again. A new date for the Amsterdam Atlasssian User Group session @ HQ of Atlasssian at Singel 236 in Amsterdam kicks off on 12 April at 6pm, and you're invited to take part in the event. We will have talks from Avisi, Atlassian and Atlas CRM about scaling and portfolio, AUG's and culture and Best thing: Free food, drinks and goodies.

77 RSVPs

About this event

It is time again for a new Atlasssian User Group event @ the HQ of Atlasssian.

Amsterdam User Group @ Atlasssian new HQ kicks off on 12 April  at 6pm, and you're invited to take part in the event. Singel 236 in Amsterdam is our meeting spot to get knowledge of the latest Atlassian news and Networking event.

We will have customer stories as well as partners available to answer and discuss topics.

The following topics will be discussed:

* Avisi: Scaling Agile with Atlassian applications and add-ons

* AUG's contribution to our culture

* Atlas CRM: Why and how to intgrate your CRM and Project management Software

There will be Atlassian as well as parners available to answer you Atlassian related questions.

It will also a great oppurtinity to exchange information with other Atlassian users and share your knowledge and/or problems.

Detailed agenda will follow, please RSVP as places are limited and we also have an idea how much food we need :-).

We will have beer, food and goodies, bring a guest. 


  • Wessel Donkervoort


    Atlassian & Agile Consultant

  • Peter Koczan


  • Kristina Meelind



  • Ronald van Marissing

    Rainforest Alliance

    Project Manager

  • Duplicate! Do Not Use!





Thursday, April 12, 2018
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM UTC


Registration and drinks
Scaling Agile with Atlassian applications and add-ons
AUGs contribute to our culture
Why and how to intgrate your CRM and Project management Software
networking/end of evening

Community Leaders

  • Tzoe Keat Chiam


    Atlassian Consultant & LEGO Facilitator

  • Rik de Valk

    Valk Technology Consultancy

    Product Owner Atlassian

  • Danny Philips



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