Jan 22, 4:30 – 8:00 PM (UTC)
Atlassian felhasználók, "találkozzunk újra Debrecenben". Atlassian bejelentések, partner és vendor előadások, networking. Atlassian users, let's "meet again in Debrecen"! Atlassian announcements, talks by partners, vendors, networking.
*English below
Jira, JSM, Confluence, Trello (vagy az Atlassian egyéb termékeinek) felhasználó vagy admin vagy? Szeretnél tanulni, hogyan használd ki hatékonyabban a programokat? Problémád van, amiben tanácsot kérnél azoktól, akik veled egy cipőben járnak? Csatlakozz a Debreceni Atlassian Közösséghez, ahol kötetlenül megismerkedhetsz Atlassian használókkal és partnerek szakértőivel.
A rendezvény ingyenes de a várható részvétel felméréséhez kérjük regisztrálj!
*Helyszínváltozás: Az Agora Irodaházban leszünk. Az épületen belüli tájékozódáshoz kövessétek majd a kihelyezett Atlassian Community-s táblákat!
5:30 - Érkezés & Networking
6:00 - Ballabás Dániel (catworkx/ACE Leader): Üdvözlés és mi várható az Atlassiantól 2025-ben (HU/ENG)
- Nemrég kijött és bejelentett Atlassian Cloud feature-ök
- Hogyan mélyíthetem el a tudásom a megújult képzési struktúrákkal?
- 2025-ös rendezvények
6:30 - Svitlana Samotis (Reliex): Planning for Success: Identifying and Managing Capacity Constraints in Jira (ENG)
Discover how to manage capacity constraints in Jira with Jira capabilities, Jira Plans and ActivityTimeline. Learn practical tips to optimize resource planning and achieve project success.
7:00 - Bogdan Viher (Hycu): DORA & NIS2 Compliance: Build Atlassian Cloud Resilience with Ease (ENG)
NIS2 and DORA regulation will come in force across the EU in 2025. It will define mandatory cybersecurity requirements for critical infrastructure operators and financial services providers and establish direct responsibility of the top management. Non-compliance can result in significant fines. So, how can Atlassian Cloud customers ensure compliance?
7:30 - Dilara Erecek (Avisi Apps): You’re Already in Jira. Why Not Keep Your Customer Data There Too?
Tracking work in Jira makes sense. So why scatter customer data across other tools? Put customer relationships first. Every project, ticket, and task leads back to a customer. Atlas CRM brings contacts, deals, and conversations into the same space. Everything you need, where you’re already working.
8:00 - Networking
Virtuális részvétel esetén regisztráció után a Join Event gombra kattintva megnyílik egy Zoom hívás a rendezvény kezdőidőpontjában.
Kérdés esetén kérlek írj ide: daniel.ballabas@atlassiancommunity.com
Are you a user or admin of Jira, JSM, Confluence, Trello (or other Atlassian products)? Would you like to learn how to use the programs more effectively? Do you have a problem in which you would like to ask advice from those who walk in the same shoes as you? Join the Debrecen Atlassian Community, where you can get to know Atlassian users and partners' experts in a friendly, informal environment.
Attendance is totally free, but if coming in-person, please register so we know how many people to prepare for!
*Change of Venue: We'll be in the Agora Offices! For directions inside the office building, please follow the ACE signs we'll put up.
5:30 - Arrivals & Networking
6:00 - Daniel Ballabas (catworkx/ACE Leader): Welcoming and what's coming from Atlassian in 2025 (HU/ENG)
- Recently released and upcoming Atlassian Cloud features
- How can I deepen my knowledge with the new Atlassian University structure?
- Events to look forward in 2025
6:30 - Svitlana Samotis (Reliex): Planning for Success: Identifying and Managing Capacity Constraints in Jira (ENG)
Discover how to manage capacity constraints in Jira with Jira capabilities, Jira Plans and ActivityTimeline. Learn practical tips to optimize resource planning and achieve project success.
7:00 - Bogdan Viher (Hycu): DORA & NIS2 Compliance: Build Atlassian Cloud Resilience with Ease (ENG)
NIS2 and DORA regulation will come in force across the EU in 2025. It will define mandatory cybersecurity requirements for critical infrastructure operators and financial services providers and establish direct responsibility of the top management. Non-compliance can result in significant fines. So, how can Atlassian Cloud customers ensure compliance?
7:30 - Dilara Erecek (Avisi Apps): You’re Already in Jira. Why Not Keep Your Customer Data There Too?
Tracking work in Jira makes sense. So why scatter customer data across other tools? Put customer relationships first. Every project, ticket, and task leads back to a customer. Atlas CRM brings contacts, deals, and conversations into the same space. Everything you need, where you’re already working.
8:00 - TBD & Networking
If attending virtually: After RSVP, there will be a Join Event button at the start of the event, which will open a Zoom call. Join there!
If you have questions please write here: daniel.ballabas@atlassiancommunity.com
Senior Customer Success Manager
Avisi Apps
Product Marketer
Global Partners
Marketing Expert, ACE leader
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
4:30 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)
Community Leader