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Harmadik Debrecen ACE / 3rd ACE Debrecen / SAVE THE DATE!

Jun 13, 4:00 – 8:00 PM (UTC)


Atlassian felhasználók, találkozzunk újra Debrecenben. Atlassian bejelentések, partner és vendor előadások, networking. Atlassian users, let's meet again in Debrecen! Atlassian announcements, talks by partners, vendors, networking.

13 RSVPs

CloudMarketplace AppsRemote WorkTeam Practices

About this event

*English Below*

Jira, JSM, Confluence, Trello (vagy az Atlassian egyéb termékeinek) felhasználó vagy admin vagy? Szeretnél tanulni, hogyan használd ki hatékonyabban a programokat? Problémád van, amiben tanácsot kérnél azoktól, akik veled egy cipőben járnak? Csatlakozz a Debreceni Atlassian Közösséghez, ahol kötetlenül megismerkedhetsz Atlassian használókkal és partnerek szakértőivel.

A rendezvény ingyenes de regisztrációhoz kötött!

~17:30 Kapunyitás, regisztráció, networking

~18:10 Gerda Grantina (EazyBI): Version Readiness Dashboards: Keeping Projects on Track with eazyBI (angol nyelven)

Keeping tabs on version progress and catching issues early is key to smooth project management. But who wants to monitor reports all day manually? In this talk, I’ll show you how to set up a version readiness dashboard, using eazyBI. We’ll highlight the crucial KPIs and set up alerts when things start going off course. Join me to learn how to streamline your tracking and keep your projects running smoothly.

~18:40 Hubert Kut ( From Zero To Hero: Data Governance Can Be Easy (angol nyelven)

Discover the simplicity behind mastering JIRA configurations with our cutting-edge tool, Doctor for JIRA. Learn how to perform comprehensive health checks, automate cleaning, and improve data quality effortlessly. This presentation will guide you through implementing effective data governance practices that enhance system performance and user satisfaction, making JIRA management straightforward and efficient. Transform your approach to JIRA with actionable insights that lead to a cleaner, more organized, and productive environment.

~19:10 networking & evés szünet

~19:40 Tuba Adrienn (Lupus Consuiting): Issue Table Cloud applikáció bemutatása

~20:10 Ballabás Dániel (EverIT/ACE Leader) - Atlassian's Ways of Working - Play, as a team

Kilépve kicsit a szoftverek világából, röviden betekintünk, hogy az Atlassian hogyan gondolkodik a hatékonyabb munkavégzésről és egyik fő céges értékéről: "Play, as a team".  Szó lesz az Atlassian Work Life blogjában, illetve a Team Playbookban fellelhető csapatépítő és gamifikációs elméleti és gyakorlati példákról, hogyan érdemes elindulni, illetve kicsit tágabb keretek közé nézve, felvillantok még pár Atlassian világán kívüli könyves példát, ha valakit a további informálódás érdekel. Idő, és a résztvevők számának és érdeklődésének függvényében kipróbálunk egy gyakorlatot az Atlassian Team Playbookból.

~20:45 networking

- további részletek feltöltés alatt


Alternatív Közösségek Egyesülete, Baross Gábor utca 16., Debrecen, 4029

Kérdés esetén kérlek írj ide:



Are you a user or admin of Jira, JSM, Confluence, Trello (or other Atlassian products)? Would you like to learn how to use the programs more effectively? Do you have a problem in which you would like to ask advice from those who walk in the same shoes as you? Join the Debrecen Atlassian Community, where you can get to know Atlassian users and partners' experts in a friendly, informal environment.



~17:30 Gate opens, registration, networking

~18:10 Gerda Grantina (EazyBI): Version Readiness Dashboards: Keeping Projects on Track with eazyBI (english)

Keeping tabs on version progress and catching issues early is key to smooth project management. But who wants to monitor reports all day manually? In this talk, I’ll show you how to set up a version readiness dashboard, using eazyBI. We’ll highlight the crucial KPIs and set up alerts when things start going off course. Join me to learn how to streamline your tracking and keep your projects running smoothly.

~18:40 Hubert Kut ( From Zero To Hero: Data Governance Can Be Easy (english)

Discover the simplicity behind mastering JIRA configurations with our cutting-edge tool, Doctor for JIRA. Learn how to perform comprehensive health checks, automate cleaning, and improve data quality effortlessly. This presentation will guide you through implementing effective data governance practices that enhance system performance and user satisfaction, making JIRA management straightforward and efficient. Transform your approach to JIRA with actionable insights that lead to a cleaner, more organized, and productive environment.

~19:10 networking & eating break

~19:40 Adrienn Tuba (Lupus Consuiting): Issue Table Cloud application showcase

~20:10 Dániel Ballabás (EverIT/ACE Leader) - Atlassian's Ways of Working - Play, as a team

Stepping a bit out of the software world, we will briefly look at how Atlassian thinks about more efficient work and one of its core company values: "Play, as a team." We will discuss theoretical and practical examples of team-building and gamification found in the Atlassian Work Life blog and the Team Playbook, providing insights on how to get started. Additionally, taking a broader perspective, I will highlight a few book examples outside the Atlassian universe for those interested in further information. Depending on time, and the number and interest of the participants, we will try out an exercise from the Atlassian Team Playbook.

~20:45 networking

- more details TBD


Alternatív Közösségek Egyesülete, Baross Gábor utca 16., Debrecen, 4029

If you have questions please write here:


  • Gerda Grantina


    Customer Support Consultant

  • Hubert Kut

    Atlassian Solution Architect

  • Adrienn Tuba

    Lupus Consulting

    Atlassian Consultant/Developer

  • Dániel Sandor Ballabás


    Marketing Manager, ACE leader



Thursday, June 13, 2024
4:00 PM – 8:00 PM (UTC)

Community Leader

  • Daniel Ballabas

    Community Leader

Global sponsor

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