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Atlassian Community Nairobi 2020 End Year Networking Party

Dec 12, 2020, 1:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)


No talks, no specific topics to discuss, just networking while you enjoy drinks, choma/pizza, and good music. This is an open forum to discuss use cases best practice and suggests features and changes to Atlassian in building better products. The Atlassian Community Nairobi encourages better use of Atlassian tools, share best practices, case studies and individual perspectives.

205 RSVPs

CommunityNo products discussedTeam Practices

About this event

The Atlassian Community Nairobi encourages better use of Atlassian tools, share best practices, case studies and individual perspectives.

This is an open forum to discuss use cases best practice and suggests features and changes to Atlassian in building better products.

While this event space is large, there is still limited space and we need to get a pretty accurate headcount to plan and cater accordingly. We are therefore asking you to RSVP only once you know you will be able to attend.

Sometimes we have social/networking events and this is one of those times. Come make the connection and enjoy live mixing from the Don (THEDJMK and DJ Makati). Tickets are Limited RSVP

We also incorporate good times where we just party, celebrate our personal achievements and get to know each other. This will be one of those times.

AUG meet-ups are where Atlassian users, entrepreneurs, engineers, and business acumen meet to share their experience on how they use the tools to increase productivity and ship products.

This group has an abundance of Atlassian Experts and customers in the area - let's take advantage of each other's expertise. We meet every other month to talk about all things Atlassian, from JIRA dashboards to perfecting your Stash workflow. If you've got a topic to present or questions you need to be answered, we're here to help. RSVP to our next meeting or join the group to be notified of upcoming events and AUG news.

Key Benefits

  • Networking
  • Swag
  • Member discounts


  • Introductions
  • Party
  • Network

If you're interested in demoing your instance in our future events – live or screenshot Contact us 

As usual, we will have swag, mbuzi, beer, Wine and great conversations! We are excited to see you all again soon!


  • Michael Kimathi

    Impact Masters & Africa's Talking

    Consulting Entrepreneur & Head of Developer Community



Saturday, December 12, 2020
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)


Arrival and Ice Break
Party and Networking
Live Music

Community Leader

  • Michael Kimathi

    Impact Masters & Africa's Talking

    Atlassian Community Leader

Global sponsor

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