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Atlassian Team and Collaboration Tools, Use Case Deep Dive - Mombasa

Nov 16, 2019, 5:30 AM – 6:00 PM (UTC)


Create the future of teamwork with us at our newest event series. Atlassian Team and Collaboration Tools, Use Case Deep Dive. Whether you're leading a team or working on one, you're invited to discover new ways to make teamwork productive, fulfilling, and more human. Experience the best ideas and hands-on experience from our flagship workshop.

62 RSVPs

About this event

Create the future of teamwork with us at our newest event series. Atlassian Team and Collaboration Tools, Use Case Deep Dive. Whether you're leading a team or working on one, you're invited to discover new ways to make teamwork productive, fulfilling, and more human.

Experience the best ideas and hands-on experience from our flagship workshop.

Atlassian community members use Atlassian tools: Confluence, Jira ( Jira Software, Jiraops, Opsgenie, Slack, Jira Service Desk, Jira Align, Jira Core ) and, Statuspage, Trello, Agile Craft, CI/CD Tools: Bitbucket (Bitbucket Pipelines), Sourcetree, Crucible, Bamboo, Crowd, Atlassian Access, Team Health: Team Playbooks (Health Monitors).

Particularly within tech, design and development are notorious for collaboration gaps. While there are plenty of resources available that advocate for catalyzing collaboration between the teams, what we see far less are stories of that process in the application.

Get the latest product updates and learn how the right tools, paired with right team practices, can strengthen your organization. Deep Dive into the trends affecting global teamwork and learn the strategies that will allow your teams to grow and thrive.

Target Group: Software Teams, IT Teams, DevOps, Business Team and all teams which want to be productive including Agile Families.

Note: All presentation will take use case approach, so come prepared to get your hands dirty.

Carry a Laptop.

Key Benefits

  • Use case
  • Knowledge sharing and Training
  • First-hand experience
  • Swag
  • Member discounts
  • Networking


  • Atlassian and Atlassian Community Overview
  • Team Tools
  • Tools and Demo/Use Cases
  • Networking

1. Team Breakouts (45Min)

  • Break out into different teams. A team of 4 to 6 members. Each team will be provided with a copy of the following:
  • Login instructions to the instance
  • Print-out of the Atlassian Project Team Health Monitor (download here)
  • Print-out of the Atlassian Team Playbook Project Poster (download here)

2. Products Demo & Overview (195minutes)

  • Jira Family
  • Confluence
  • Slack
  • Trello
  • BitBucket
  • Bamboo, Crucible, and Fisheye
  • Atlassian Marketplace (Atlaskit)
  • Statuspage
  • Sourcetree
  • Crowd

3. Tracking Epics, Stories in Jira Software

  1. Jira

4. CI/CD: Code in Bitbucket and deploy in Bamboo

  1. BitBucket
  2. Bamboo, Crucible, and Fisheye
  3. Atlassian Marketplace (Atlaskit)
  4. Statuspage
  5. Sourcetree
  6. Crowd

6. Entreprise

  1. AgileCraft
  2. Jira Access
  3. Opsgenie
  4. Jira Align

7. Build your career on Atlassian Marketplace

5. Demonstration and Wrap-up

Atlassian Community Nairobi is an award-winning community. ((SET THE STANDARD 2018 - Atlassian Summit 2018, MOST ACTIVE in EMEA 2017-Atlassian Summit Europe 2017) and (Global MASTER OF CONVERSION WINNER 2017-Atlassian Summit US 2017). The Atlassian Community Nairobi encourages better use of Atlassian tools, share best practices, case studies and individual perspectives.

Atlassian Community Events (ACE) is where Atlassian users, entrepreneurs, engineers, and business acumen meet to share their experience on how they use Atlassian tools to increase productivity and ship products.

This group is open to all fellow Atlassian users who are like-minded and interested to share ideas & knowledge. This is an open forum to discuss and suggest features and changes to Atlassian communities in building better products.

This group has an abundance of Atlassian Experts and customers in the area - let's take advantage of each other's expertise. We meet every other month to talk about all things Atlassian, from JIRA, dashboards to perfecting your Stash workflow. If you've got a topic to present or questions you need to be answered, we're here to help. RSVP to our next meeting or join the group to be notified of upcoming events and Atlassian Community news.

As usual, we will have swag, pizza, beer, and great conversations! We are excited to see you all again soon!


  • Do you want to suggest a topic for us to focus on?
  • Do you have a presentation proposal?
  • Does your company want to host an event?
  • Does your company want to sponsor an event?

Contact the group leader with your suggestions.

Thanks for your help!


  • Michael Kimathi

    Impact Masters & Africa's Talking

    Consulting Entrepreneur & Head of Developer Community

  • Bernard Banta



  • Marvin Collins



  • Arthur Kennedy Otieno


    Software Engineer

  • Abel Masila


    Senior Software Engineer

  • Emmanuel Magak


    Software Developer


  • Michael Kimathi

    Impact Masters & Africa's Talking

    Consulting Entrepreneur & Head of Developer Community


5:30 AMAtlassian and Atlassian Community Overview
6:30 AMProducts Deep Dive, Demo & Overview
8:30 AMBreak
8:45 AMProducts Deep Dive, Demo & Overview
10:00 AMLunch
10:45 AMWorkflows and Best Practices
12:00 PMBuilding your career on Atlassian
12:45 PMAtlasKit (Building Atlassian Apps)
1:15 PMBreak
1:30 PMAtlassian Roundtable
2:00 PMWrap-up
2:45 PMNetworking

Community Leader

  • Michael Kimathi

    Impact Masters & Africa's Talking

    Atlassian Community Leader

Global sponsor

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Where Atlassian users meet and share best practices