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How to personalize Confluence for your users with Metadata User Profiles for Confluence

Jun 6, 2020, 2:00 – 5:00 PM (UTC)


Corporate wikis are an excellent tool to foster and organize team collaboration. But since no company equals another there is also no one fits all solution that covers everyone's needs. Thankfully Confluence is an intranet solution that allows a lot of personalization options! Join us to learn why an organized wiki is important for your teams. We will also look into Atlassian online community.

38 RSVPs

Virtual event

About this event

Corporate wikis are an excellent tool to foster and organize team collaboration. But since no company equals another there is also no one fits all solution that covers everyone's needs. Thankfully Confluence is an intranet solution that allows a lot of personalization options!

Learn why an organized wiki is important for your teams and how you can achieve it by making use of the right metadata, as well as user profile data.

Communardo builds products for smarter enterprise collaboration - we strive to make collaboration effective, fast, and fun. We are an Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner, an Atlassian Marketplace Gold Top Vendor as well as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and with our head office based in Dresden, our products have that “Made in Germany” quality. At Communardo, more than 180 software engineers, consultants, support, and service specialists passionately work with our clients. We take the problems that keep cropping up over and over again and develop apps that solve these brilliantly making Atlassian and Microsoft solutions even better. So far more than 3,500 clients in 90 countries rely on our experience for their daily business.

Key Benefits:

  • Exclusive Knowledge
  • Networking
  • Swag
  • Member discounts
  • Growth opportunities (Team and Career)


  1. Introduction: Atlassian and Atlassian Community Events Nairobi
  2. Make it your own! How to personalize Confluence for your users with Metadata for Confluence and User Profiles for Confluence
  3. Answerers session
  4. Atlassian Online Community Discussion
  5. AOB/Networking

We have over 1700 members and we meet regularly to encourage better use of Atlassian tools among current or prospective users. Our events typically offer several talks, free food/drink and networking with 60-150 attendees.

Like an attendee at one of our events, you can expect to:

  • Share and learn Atlassian product knowledge, best practices, and case studies
  • Provide valuable user input to Atlassian so that they can keep making great products for us to use
  • Network and build a support system with fellow Atlassian product users.


  • Do you want to suggest a topic for us to focus on?
  • Do you have a presentation proposal?
  • Does your company want to host an event?
  • Does your company want to sponsor an event?

Contact the Community Lead with your suggestions.

Thanks for your help!


  • Juela Zeneli


    Product Owner


  • Michael Kimathi

    Impact Masters & Africa's Talking

    Consulting Entrepreneur & Head of Developer Community



Saturday, June 6, 2020
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM (UTC)


2:00 PM
Introduction & Ice Breaker
Introduction: Atlassian and Atlassian Community Nairobi
2:45 PM
Make it your own! How to personalize Confluence for your users with Metadata for Confluence and User Profiles for Confluence
Corporate wikis are an excellent tool to foster and organize team collaboration. But since no company equals another there is also no one fits all solution that covers everyones needs. Thankfully Confluence is an intranet solution that allows a lot of personalization options! Learn why an organized wiki is important for your teams and how you can achieve it by making use of the right metadata, as well as user profile data.
3:30 PM
Atlassian Online Community Discussion:
Atlassian Online Community Discussion:
4:30 PM

Community Leader

  • Michael Kimathi

    Impact Masters & Africa's Talking

    Atlassian Community Leader

Global sponsor

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