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Summit Presentation: One Queue to Rule Them All Monitoring with Jira

Aug 29, 2018, 2:00 – 3:00 PM (UTC)

Palm Beach County

Lisa Reilly from Demonware (Ireland) will provide a pre-presentation of her talk at the summit next week. Join us remotely to participate (Sorry for double registration, but you will need to register in gotowebinar to participate) Demonware’s Monitoring team are responsible for monitoring the online services for Activision Publishing games. (Jira Software, Jira Core, Jira Service Desk, Confluence)


About this event

Demonware’s Monitoring team are responsible for monitoring the online services for Activision Publishing games. This means ownership of keeping millions of players and thousands of servers online at all times.

___ Registration Link


They have transformed from a traditional 24/7 Network Operations Center to upskilled engineers who have developed and implemented a new monitoring stack, helping to change the culture of the organization with an eye towards quality, reliability, and supportability. A big part of this was moving from manually created email-style ticketing to automatically created tickets in Jira, and later to Jira Service Desk.

In this talk you'll learn how the team use custom fields, plugins, and integrations to move away from browser-tab-ageddon to a simple Jira Service Desk queue that reduces context switching and confusion, resulting in a better experience for gamers all around the world.

Products covered:

Jira Software, Jira Core, Jira Service Desk, Confluence


  • Lisa Reilly


    Project Manager



Wednesday, August 29, 2018
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (UTC)


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    Atlassian User Group Leader

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    NextEra Energy

    Atlassian User Group Leader

  • Deanna Benz

    DSS, Inc.

    Director, Product Management Operations

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